16: Privacy

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Dave's POV:

"Dirk.. I'm leaving, and with Sollux."

"What?!" He stands quickly.
Sollux loves back behind me, scared that Dirk might hit him or something.

I sighed, "Look. I don't give a shit what Sollux did. If he leaves, I leave."

"And just where do you plan on going?! And with what money!? You've only had a few jobs, but you've only been fired!"

"I've been saving up." I smirked, "And I have just the right amount for the place I've been wanting. I'm moving out with Sollux and that's final." I crossed my arms.

Dirk steps closer to me, trying to look intimidating.
"I can't allow you to do that! Bro wouldn't want you t-"

"Well Bro isn't fucking here anymore, is he?!" I snapped.
"I'll be packing my things the rest of the day.. I'll give you my new address soon so you don't have to fucking worry about me. I already called the owner, and he said if I show up, the place is mine.. Feel free to visit on holidays if you'd like.." I walk towards the hallway, pulling Sollux along, "And don't tell the others.."

We can both hear Dirk curse in the living room as we start packing.
Sollux sighs, "Are you 2ure about thii2 Dave?"

"Of course I'm sure." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "It's going to be fine."
He nodded with a faint smile on his face.

His things were easy to pack, since he only had clothes and the things he got for Christmas.
We spent the rest of the time we had packing my clothes and shit.
We might have made out a little in between..

When just about everything was done, I had to confront Dirk again.
"Uh... So can we borrow your car?"

"What?" He looks up from his robot part. "Why?"

"To take our stuff to my new place. I can't rent a fucking U-HAUL." I waited impatiently. "Please? It'd help get Sollux out of your hair faster since you can't just accept what he did and move on with it."

"Ugh.." He rolls his eyes, and stands up. "I'll drive.. What are you gonna do when you have to take my car back here? Walk back home? I can't let you walk in the fucking snow. I'm driving."

"Really?" I tilted my head.

"Yes, just tell me when you're ready to go." He shoves his hands into his pockets.

"Right now." I simply say.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow, "Already?"

I nodded. "We just finished. The sooner we get there, the better."

He nods, with ANOTHER sigh. He gets his shoes on and starts helping take things to the car.
We were finished packing the car by 7 pm.

"Wow.. I'm surprised we can actually take everything in one load.." I shit the backseat door.

"This car might look small, but it's roomy as fuck." Dirk closes the trunk, then looks to me, "So, where are we headed?"

I pulled out a small paper from my pocket, which had the address of the apartment written down on it.
He nodded and stuffed it back into his pocket.
"Is the criminal ready?"

"Oh my god, will you fucking stop it already?!" I punched his arm.

"But he is one. Don't you realize you can get arrested for helping him avoid the cops?? Why do you think I wanted him out!? I don't want either of us going to jail for helping him!"

"I don't give a shit if I do! I love him!"
And it slipped out.

Dirk laughed, "I knew you two had something going on.. And love? You're fucking joking, right? What do you know about that? What do you know a out actually loving somebody?"

"More than you!" I yelled at him.

"Oh really now?" He says, gritting his teeth. "I don't think so.."

"Well at least I care about the persons actual feeling and I don't fucking force him into a relationship unlike somebody standing here did with their boyfriend! And look what happened! He's your ex now!!!"

Dirks face became still.
Shit.. I shouldn't have said that..

"..Dirk.. I-I'm sorry, I just-"

"Yeah.. Whatever... Let's just hurry up and let's fucking go." He spats, getting into the drivers seat.


— - - • - - —

The drive was long and silent.
Also awkward. Did I forget to mention that???

Oh yeah, you can't forget THE FUCKING TENSION.

When we unpacked the car, Dirk didn't help. Of course, I wouldn't expect him to after what I said to him about his and Jakes past relationship..

Sollux and I did all the work ourselves.
When we finished, I told him.

"Okay.. That's the last of it.." I said to him through the window, "Thanks for driving us.."

"Yeah.." He mumbled and started the car.

"Dirk, I didn't mean to blow up like that."

"I know.." He said quietly, "It just hurts being reminded of the truth by your own brother.." He looks at me before driving off.

I watched him go.
Snow began to fall and I shivered, quickly hurrying inside the apartment complex.

The owner said I didn't have to pay until rent is due. Sweet.
He gave me a key to the door connecting the office to the actual apartments, and the apartment room key.

I went inside, going up to apartment 22.
Sollux was already waiting inside from taking in the last of the stuff.

I walked in and saw everything...  Unpacked??????

I looked to him, seeing him sitting by the window.
"IIf you're wonderiing how everythiing2 unpacked, do remember II am a troll.." He turned to look at me, his eyes glowing a bit. "II2 iit bad that I totally forgot about my p2iioniic2? Damn, II haven't u2ed them for a whiile.."

I smiled and closed the door, locking it.
I walked over and sat down beside him, placing my hand over his.
"Well... We did it.. We left.."

We interlocked fingers.
"Yeah.. IIm gonna mii22 liiviing there though.." He watched the snow fall, squeezing my hand a bit.

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, me too... But on the bright side.."
I turned and kissed his cheek, "We finally have some privacy~"

He laughs, "Ob? And what do you plan on doiing wiith iit?" 

"As much as I can, cutie." I pulled him into a kiss, closing my eyes.

Finally.. Privacy..

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