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10 years later...

"The usual please.." I adjusted my shades, looking at the cashier I met everyday during my work break.

She smiled softly and nodded. "Coming right up Mr. Strider. As usual, that'll be $4.50."

I took out my wallet and handed her a five. "Keep the change."

"Ooh! How generous." She giggled. "How's work today?"

"Eh. Usual. I gotta get back to the studio soon to meet with my client. Amazing kid. Voice of a true superstar. This kid is going to make it big.. I guarantee it."

"Well you've always made people get big." She whipped up my coffee. "I saw in a magazine, you're studio, Strider Beatz is number one right now. Also, I heard you were getting into the movie business too! Seems like you're living the dream.."

"Pft, of course." I grinned. "I do my best.. It's all I ever wanted. Just worked hard and boom. There it was."

She started up the coffee maker. "Well, does that dream include anyone special?"

"No. Not at all. I'm not really into the dating thing. I left that a loooong time ago. I'm totally fine by myself.."

The was a bell sound from the door.

"Oh, one moment Mr.Strider.. Hi! Welcome to Crocker's Coffee and Sweets! How may I help you?"

I stepped aside so she could deal with the new customer. I grabbed a couple of sugar packets to put into my coffee.
After finishing up with the new customer, she handed me my coffee. "Have a nice day Mr.Strider! Careful not to spill on that nice suit!"

"You too, and try not to burn yourself." I fixed it up and headed out of the shop.
As soon as I walked outside, I got bumped into and the coffee fell.

"Crap! Hey, watch where the hell you're goin–"
"I-I'm 2orry! II wa2nt payiing attentiion-" He looked up and gasped.


"Dave? Oh uh.. Hey.." He looked down.

Damn. He's even hotter than before..

"Uh.. 2orry about your coffee.. II'll buy you a new one!"
"Um, no that's okay.." I glanced away.

Well this is awkward..

"Um.. Okay.. II have to go.. IIt wa2 niice to 2ee you agaiin.." He walked past me, shoving his hands in his pockets.

I stood, watching him go; but ran after him.

He stopped and turned to look at me.
"Uh.. Wanna.. Uh.. Get coffee? Catch up with each other?"

"Well II ju2t offered to buy you a new one.."
"Well.. Yeah but I was kind of a jerk when I said to watch where you were going.. Besides, I have more money than I even need. Besides.." I smiled a little, "I owe you for back then.. Protecting me.."

A smile appeared on his face. "Well.. II gue22 a coffee wouldn't hurt anyone.. Unle22 you 2piill iit.."

I laughed and started walking back to the cafe. "Still funny as ever.. But cuter."

"Hey! Don't make thii2 weiird!" He flushed.

"Dude. It's already pretty fucking weird.. And all I am saying is the truth." I opened the door and walked inside sitting at a table.
"So, what brings you to all the way over here?"

He smiled, "II wa2 looking for 2omebody.. And II found hiim." He grabbed my hand.

Ooooooh. Smooth mother fucker.

"Let me guess. Karkat told you I was in this area?"


"Of course.." I laughed. "So uh.. Dating anyone?"

"Nope. You?"

"No.. But I think I might want to again.. Of course, that depends if you're free tonight.." I slid down my shades a bit to wink at him.

"I'm free." He looked away, stilllll blushing. "Your place?"

"My place. We could start where we left off..? If.. That's okay with you..?"

He nodded and leaned forward a bit. "Hey Dave?"


"You diidnt re2et Undertale, Diid you?"

I couldn't hold back my laughter.
"Actually, I never even touched it. The game is still there."

"Oh my fuckiing god. II'm defiiniitely coming over now. Tiime to beat Undyne once and for all!" He threw his fist in the air, as if he was attempting a victorious pose.
Yup, this is still definitely STILL the guy I fell in love with ten years ago..

"Hey Sollux?"

"Yeah Dave?" He smiled brightly.

"I never got to say something to you, before you left.."

"What wa2 iit?"

I stood up and pulled him up from the seat, kissing him. I pulled away, seeing the shocked expression on his face. He was so cute.
Pressing my forehead against his, I whispered those four words I never got to say from the prison visit..

"I love you too.."


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