5: Dirk You Ass

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Daves POV:

We waved to Kanaya and Karkat as we said our goodbyes. I helped Sollux carry the shit load of bags as we walked the rest of the way to our place.

"He 2eem2 cool." He said to me.
"Who? Kitkat?"

He nodded, as I began to laugh.
"Haha, yeah. 'Cool'. He's obsessed with romcoms, won't tell anyone about personal stuff, anti-social, thinks he should know everything about everyone and his horns are so nubby like-"
"A hot dog."
"Ha, exactly."

We both laughed and got to the front door.

Me and Dirk used to live in an apartment with our Bro, but going up the stairs was hell. We moved here and a while after that.. The... Incident happened... I don't like to think about it.. But every time I walk up to the door, it's all I get reminded of.

I put the bags down and got my keys out of my pocket, unlocking the door.

I grabbed the bags again and walked in.

"After we put all these clothes away, wanna play some vid-" I was cut off by nothing but fucking smuppets falling over me and Sollux.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!????"

"Haha! Your reaction is priceless Dave." I heard Dirk laughing his ass off.

"Well you just got a whole bunch of ass to your face." He smirked.

Sollux was holding one.
"What the fuck ii2 thii2?"

I smacked it out of his hands. "Go sanitize your hands. Who knows what he could have done to them. Might as well go take an hour long shower and cleanse yourself from the disgusting wrath of smuppet ass that I am so sorry you had to witness. "

"2mup what?"

"Just carrying on the tradition for B-"
" Dirk. Shut up." I glared at him.

He got my message and shut up.
Sollux stood there confused.
"II gue22 II could u2e a 2hower anyway2.. II'll bee back." He picked up all the bags and went to his room, closing the door behind him.

I quickly looked back at Dirk who stood with his arms crossed.
"You haven't told him about Bro yet, have you? "

I tensed up. "No.. I haven't."

"Well you should since he's staying in his old bedroom. Did you even take out the picture from the room?"

"What are you talkin- Oh shit, no."

Dirk chuckled.
"Better get that then, before he starts askin' questions you don't wanna' answer lil' man."
"Don't call me that.." I hissed.

Sure, Dirk looked a lot like Bro but... Only Bro could call me that..

Sollux's POV::

I put the bags down, groaning from my hands hurting.

So much clothes...

I looked around the room and saw a stack of folded towels on a chair on the corner. Perfect.

I took off my new glasses and set them down on the desk in the room, next to the photo I saw last night.
I picked it up and looked at it more closely.

Hm.. I wonder who this guy is.. Looks a lot like Dirk... I probably shouldn't ask yet..

I shrugged and set it down back on the desk, grabbing a towel.
Shower time.

I walked out of the room and saw Dirk pinning Dave to the floor.

"No way dude."
"You're just small."
"You sound like that nubby horned troll."

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