chapter 2

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Ciara POV
Omg did tht just happen I'm nervous backstage I hope he don't tink we gone do something cuz I'm not tht type of girl. I'm watching the TV of Chris ending the show and he walked off stage. I waited for Chris for like 5 mins.
"Where the hell is he" I said
"Right here" Chris said
I jumped hard asf
"You scared me" I said laughing
He smiled "my bad ciara"
"Its coo but umm u can take your shirt back if you want" I said
He laughed "nah keep it I got more"
I blushed
"So lil mama I liked the way u was vibin and dancing to my how bout you dance with me" he said
"Okay" I said
I started swaying and he came behind me and gripped my waist. And I felt uncomfortable I think he thinks I'm tht type of girl when I'm not. I pulled away
"Look I'm not one of those girls u take home just to fuck so if that's your idea imma just leave" I said walking off
"Ciara thts not wat I was thinking at all you to pretty and see like a chill person for me to do that and I respect that you are not throwing your self at me like other ppl" he said
"Oh I'm so sorry" I said
"Its coo I respect you need a ride home" he asked
"Well I live a block down I was gonna walk" I said
"Nah its to dark and ion wantbya pretty self getting hurt so imma take you home" he said
I blushed "Okay thanks"
"No prob"
We head out to the car and Chris turned on sum music. The song stick talk by future cane in and I started singing
"We be talking stick talk, we be talking licks to,we be talking brick talk,and imma fuck yo bitch to" I sang
Chris laughed "man u seem like a good girl to vibe with yo presence is just chill" he said
"Ik cuz I just like to give with ppl" I said
"Well thts gud hopefully u van vibe with me another time yk just as friends its always good to have a positive spirit around" he said
I blushed "pull up rite her this is my house" I said
"Nice crib big as a mansion" Chris said
I laughed "thanks"
I opened the door
"Um ciara u Neva answered my question" he said
"Oh yea um defiantly here gimme yo phone"
He gives me his phone and I put my number in and give it back.
"Just text or call me wen u wanna chill or sum" I said
"Ight fashoo be safe lil mama" he said
I smiled got out the car and walked in my house. I can't believe this happened but Chris is really cool I kinda forgot he was famous. I got out my clothes took a shower and headed to sleep.

I wake up showered and did hygiene stuff, made my bed then went downstairs and cooked sum bacon eggs and pancakes. After I finish eating I cleaned my dishes and cleaned the kitchen,living room,bathroom,my room,laundry room,and my home movie theater. Yes ik imma neat freak but I love it wen everything is clean it just makes me more comfortable. I went upstairs and got dressed and sat onna couch and watched bad girls club. I started laughing wen Camila mama was otp saying BEAT HA ASS CAMILA Camila my favorite one on there. While watching I gotta phone call
Hello I said
Wssp ciara he said laughing
Wats funny I asked
The name you put in my phone for yaself he said laughing
Oh yea bad bitch Cici I said laughing
Yeah but aye come to the studio and chill with me and the bros you ain't doin nun rite he asked
Nah just watching bad girls club I said laughing
He laughed u funny asf but make tht move he said
Ight imma be there in 15 mins I said
Ight he said
At this point I'm not star stuck basically to me Chris is a chill ass friend. I head to he studio and knocked onna door.
Come in someone said
I walked in and seen all type of stars August tyga trey.
"Wssp ciara" Chris said
"Hey" I said
"Y'all this my friend Ciara, Ciara this August trey and tyga" he said
"Nice to meet y'all " I said
"You to" they said
I sat onna couch with all them while they was brainstorming. I was chewing gum I got bored and started blowing a bubble an it popped all on my face. I gasped. They all started laughing
"Thts watcha get for popping that gum" Chris said
"Shut yo fat head ass up" I said causing everybody to laugh
"So Ciara where ya from" August asked
"Born and raised in Virginia" I said
"Oh frl" trey said
"Yeah" I said
"Damn ion remember ya me and Chris was both born and raised in Virginia to" Trey said
"Ik I remember y'all I Neva liked y'all" I said laughing
"Why" Chris and trey both said laughing
"Cuz y'all was sum thots messing with all the lil thottlers" I said
They all laugh
"What tf is a thottler" they ask
"A toddler or teen that's a thot" I said laughing
"You funny asf" Trey said
"Not fr I just speak the truth" I said smirking
They laughed
"August ion kno why u laughing I prolly wuda Neva liked u either" I said laughing
"Nah ian like these lil mind ass nigga rite hea I wasn't finna take the risk of getting trapped or catch sum shit" August said
"That's why you don't get kno pussy now" Chris said
Me and Trey laughed
"But I just got sum from ya mama last nite" August said
I laughed hard as Eva these niggas crazy
"Fuck yo nigga" Chris said laughing
Everything calmed down and I look over and see tyga knocked out sleeping like a baby
"Damn y'all friend knocked out" I said laughing
Chris went ova and slapped him and he jumped up
"Why tf u always playing nigga" tyga said
"Nigga getcha ass up we supposed to be writing the song" chris said
"See I had a dream bout the song I had the lyrics and everything but yo ass fucked everything up" tyga said
"Ya damn lie nigga kno yo ass was dreaming bout Blac China" Chris said
"Nigga worry bout Karrueche" tyga said
Chris straight faced him and I got weak
"Nigga ya kno damn well ion fuck with ha nomo" Chris said
Everybody laughed

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