Chapter 5

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I wake up in my bed Chris must have put me to sleep and left. I glad to have a friend like him its like he was meant to comfort me but I can't catch feelings because he doesn't feel the same. I get up and did my daily routine and got dressed. I gotta text from August
Hey u doing anything tonight he asked
No why I asked
I'm taking you out tonight at 7 b ready..wats address
Oh my I really don't wanna go onna date with him but ion wanna hurt anyone feelings so ig I'll go it couldn't be that bad.
OK and 123 Casper St I said
OK see ya later he said
I didn't txt back but I called Chris
"Wspp" he said
"Chris August just asked to take me out I really don't wanna go but I said yes cuz ion like to hurt anybody's feelings" I said
He laughed "I feel bad for Aug he prolly think u like him but u just throwing a pity'll Neva do that to me rite" he said
I blushed "Of course not"
I can't tell he was smiling over the phone.
"Ight but u betta not kiss him Ciara" he said
"Jealous" I said flirtatiously
"Nope u my best friend so ion want nobody lips on ur except mines" he said
I blushed "you play to much"
"So promise you won't kiss him" he said
I laugh "promise"
"Ight well call me after the date" he said
I hung up man he was being flirtatious a lot butim not gonna think nun if it cuz Chris plays around a lot but baby the things I think about doin to him. Its 5:00 I gotta get ready for this date I really don't wanna go but I gotta Make the best outta it. I get ready and now its 6:45 I made sure I looked good and waited. I heard a honk so I head outside and get in August car.
"Wow u look beautiful" he said.
"Thank where we going" I asked
"Just ride and you'll see" he said smiling
I smile
We pull up to this expensive restaurant and sit down
"Wow this place is amazing" I said
"Yea an amazing place for a amazing girl" he said
I blush"thanks"
The waiter came and we both order the chicken vindaloo
"So where did you learn how to dance" he asked
"Every since I was little I took a dance class and I kept dancing all my whole life" I said
"Oh OK" he said
"Wat about u how long u been singing" I asked
"Since I was 12" he said
"Awe ok" I said
Then our food came I was shocked because the food was small asf I can eat it in one bite what kinda shit is this for $800 wow I'm just ready to go home. We both finished eating and we left the ride home was quiet I was way outta my comfort zone I wasn't myself. We stopped at my house and he walks me to my door.
"Ciara I had a great time with you tonight" he said
"Me 2" I lied
"Well I'll see you around" he said
"Ight" I said
I walk in the house got inna shower and got in my night clothes and called Chris
"Chris come over now" I said
"Ight I'm omw"
5minutes later he Chris was in the door
"So how was the date" he said
He laughed "wat happened" he asked
I told him everything even about the little bitty ass chicken
He laughed had as ever
"Not funny Chris" I said
"It is" he said laughing
"That's why I kissed him" I lied
He face went plan
I laughed "I'm just playing"
"Better be cuz he can't kiss you like I can" he said smiling
"Prove it" I said smirking
Chris leans over and kissed me a kissed back and it became a make out session and I loved it but then I knew I had to stop it because I didn't want to end our friendship. I pulled away
"Wats wrong" he asked
"Um Chris I don't wanna ruin our friendship"
"Ciara it won't we just playing around no come on" he said smirking
"Ight" I said
He kissed me again and we started back and he started kissing my neck and I moan he smirks. So you all know wat happened after that.

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