Chapter 9

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I wake up Chris is still sleeping so I went in royalty room and she was awake so I took her in the bathroom and we brush our teeth together.
"You gotta brush brush brush ya teeth" I sang
She giggled after that I get her ready and stuff (pic in mm) I take her downstairs to the kitchen.
"Ready to eat eat" I ask
She nods
"Watcha wanna eat" I ask
"Waffwls" she said
I smile "waffles it is"
Just then Chris came down
"Wssp lil mama" he said to royalty kissing her forehead
She giggled
"Hey ugly" Chris said
"Boy don't hate" I said
Royalty giggled and me and Chris laugh. The waffles are ready and I cut them up for her and hand them to her. She starts eating.
"Where my plate" Chris asked
"Nigga make yo own" I said
"You peddy" he said
I laughed "chill yo stuff inna microwave" I said
He smiled and kissed my cheek
I blush
"Chris I'm taking royalty out for girls day out" I said
"Ight thts gud cuz I gotta go to the studio"he said
"OK...royalty u wanna go shopping with me" I asked
She jumped up and down
"I'm guessing that's a yes" I say smiling
"Yah" she said
"Ight well let's clean your sticky hands" I said
I wash royalty hands off
"OK ya ready" I asked
"Yah" she said
I put royalty in the car seat and turn on chris song little more and she gets happy and start wiggling in her seat I think she knows its about her. I smile and we went into the mall and went into the baby store
"Royalty u want pink or purple shirt" I ask
She shrugs
"OK how about we get both" I said
"Yah" she said happily
We finish shopping and I had five bags on each arm. We went into build a bear next
"OK royalty which one u wanna make" I ask
"Prwple pony" she said
"Nice taste I love purple to" I said
She smiled and we start building the bear until someone called me. I turn around a see August and curse under my breath
"Um hey" I said
"Hey I see u got royalty with u" he said trynna wiggle royalty hand but royalty pulled away and hid behind me I laugh
"Yeah me and lil mama chillin today" I said
"So wat u doing tomar nite" he asked
"Oh I'm booked all week sorry" I said lying
"Oh OK" he said
"Yeah" I said
"Ight I'll see u around" he said
"K bye" I said and he walked off
"Bad man" royalty said
Babies can tell wen something or someone is bad.
"Ion like him either sweetie" I said
She giggled
"OK let's finish this pony" I said
We finish the pony and I hand it to royalty and she hugs it tight.
"So cute" I said
"Wanna get sum to eat" I ask
"Yah" she said
We walk to food court
"Yes can I get a burger with a side a fries and a juice" I said to cashier
"OK your total $8.73" cashier said
I hand her a $10.00 and said keep the change. We get our food and sit down I had royalty her fries and juice. And she start to eat
"So u having fun today" I ask
"Yah" she said
"So u like to shop I see" I said smiling
"I wuv cwothes"she said
I laugh "me 2 how about we get urs nails painted" I ask
She smiled excitedly
We left the food court and went downstairs to the nail shop
"What color u want" I ask
"Prwple" she said
"Your wish my command....paint hers purple please" I said
"Royalty imma get mines purple to" I said
"Yaya" she said smiling
We finish are nails and went to the car I put her inna car seat and head home. I walk in and see Chris inna living room.
"Hey y'all" he said
"Hey" I said
"Lil mama u had fun" Chris asked royalty
She nodded and yawned
He laughed "ya tired baby"
She nodded
"OK let's get ya to sleep" he said
He picked her up and put her to sleep and came back downstairs.
"We had a lot of fun" I said
"I'm glad she likes u ig you'll b sticking around more" he said
I blushed "but guess who we saw today" I said
"Who" he said
"August he asked me out I lied and said I was booked all week then he tried to talk to royalty but she wasn't having it" I said laughing
"Yeah thts my baby" Chris said laughing
"Yeah but I'm tired imma go home" I said
"Ight imma pick u up tomar" he said
"Ight imma go say goodbye to royalty" I said
I went to say goodbye to royalty but she was sleep so I kissed her onna forehead and headed home.

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