Chapter 10

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I made it home I get inna shower and went to sleep.

I wake up did daily routine and get a txt from Chris
"I'm outside" he said
I went outside and got inna car and seen royalty inna car seat.
"Hey gorgeous" I said
"Hi Cici" she said
"Chris she called me Cici" I said excited
"I heard yep she really likes you to kno ur name" he said smiling
We pull up to him mama house
"Hey ma" I said
"Oh hey Ciara how are u baby" mama Joyce asked
"I'm fine and you" I said
"I'm good where my grand baby at" she said
I laughed then royalty came running to mama Joyce
"Grwnny" she said
"Hey honey u had funny with daddy and Ciara" she asked
"Yah" she said
I smiled "mom can I use ur bathroom" I ask
"Yea baby down the hall to the left" she said
I went to the bathroom.
Chris POV
"Chris so is y'all together" mom asked
"Nah mom not yet imma ask her tonight" i said
"Ight baby" she said
Ciara came back
"Ight ma we gonna get going" I say
"Bye ma bye Royalty" Ciara said
Royalty came and hugged Ciara
"No love for daddy" I said
She giggled and hugged me. We leave and head to Ciara place.
"Ciara we going out tonight so b ready at 7" I said.
"Ight" she said kissing my cheek goodbye
Ciara POV
I'm going out with Chris and I'm nervous I get in the shower and get dressed inna red dress and made sure my hair was good its 7:00 and I hear a honk so I went outside and got in Chris car
"Ya look beautiful" he said
"Thanks u look gud to" I said
"So where we going" I ask
"Its a su-" he said
"Ik surprise" I said
We both laugh
We pulled up to the beach and Chris puts a blind fold on me and guides me to the beach. He took my blindfold off and I see rose pedals in the sand and candlelight dinner table
"Omg Chris its beautiful" I said
He smiles "sit down I'll b back" he said
I sat down and waited for him for 5min until I heard singing
Whoa whoa
Do do do do do

Tell me fellas have you seen her? (seen her)
It was about five minutes ago
When I seen the hottest chick
That young'n
Never seen before

I said yo,
Tell her girls I want to meet her (meet her)
On a second thought that ain't the way to go
I got give her game proper
Spit it so she'll get it
There she is I got to stop her

Or should I talk about her smile? (It's been said before)
Or what about her style? (Too obvious)
I'm out of time
She's out the door
I got to go for mine

I think I'll say

I don't know your name but excuse me miss
I saw you from across the room
And I got to admit that you got my attention
You're making me want to say yo

I know you're tryin' to leave but excuse me miss
I saved the last dance for you
How I love to keep you here with me oh baby

Now shorty grab hold of my hand
And let's pretend the floor is ours
You say you don't really dance

Don't worry about it
We'll just one two step
One two step

Now if the music is moving too fast (too fast)
Grab my hand a little tighter (tighter)
Don't be afraid to move a little closer
Girl, there is something about you that makes me want to say

I don't know your name but excuse me miss
I saw you from across the room
And I got to admit that you got my attention
You're making me want to say yo
I know you're trying to leave but excuse me miss
I saved the last dance for you
How I love to keep you here with me oh baby
I think I'll say yo
I don't know your name but excuse me miss
I saw you from across the room
And I got to admit that you got my attention
You're making me want to say yo
I know you're trying to leave but excuse me miss
I saved the last dance for you
How I love to keep you here with me oh baby

I want to be where you are
Ain't nothin' wrong with dancin'
Baby you're so romantic
Baby I can be in your heart
So many things I want to tell you
I think that I should start by saying yo

I don't know your name but excuse me miss
I saw you from across the room

I got to give her game proper
Spit it so she get it
There she is, I got to stop her

I know your trying to leave but excuse me miss
I saved the last dance for you
How I love to keep you here with me oh baby

Now everybody just clap your hands like this(like this)
Just clap your hands like this(whoo like this)
And if your shorty in the house tonight
Just grab her by the hand homie
Make her understand y'all was made to dance like this(like this)
Y'all was made to bounce like this(whoa like this)
Just let her know she was made for you
And you want to do everything she want to, man

After Chris stops singing he comes over to me
"Ciara ik we started off friends best friends but ever since I met u I knew you were the one from me but ik u don't wanna ruin our friendship but IDC I want you and only u u make me a better man your all I think about I love the way u treat my daughter well shit I love you so Ciara will you b my girl" he asked
I started crying "I love you to and yes I will be your girl" I said kissing him
We sat and ate and talked and had fun the whole night. He took me home and said he'll pick me up tomar and I kissed him goodbye.

Chris POV
I called my mom and told her I'm with ciara now and she was happy I went home and thought about Ciara I made the right decision and I went to sleep.

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