Chapter 7

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Ciara POV
I walk out the booth smiling at Chris. This sing is dedicated to him.
"Dang Ciara u can really sing girl" tyga said and trey nodded in agreement
"Thank you" I said
"Well ciara were gonna start and album" Chris said.
"Frl thank you" I said hugging him
The hug was longer then I expected then trey and tyga clears there throat. I pull away and blush in embarrassment
"Well we're gonna get going yall" Chris said
They nodded and Chris is taking me to his house. We get there and walk in his house.
"Chris wow house is gorgeous" I said
"Thanks ight let's do a house tour" he said
He shows me all the room even his daughter room it was purple my favorite color to
"Your daughter has taste I like purple to" I said
He smiled "yea my lil diva" he said
"How old is she now" I asked
"A year inna half" he said
"Aw she getting so big" I said
He smiled "you like kids"
"Duh I love kids I can't wait to become a mom imma give him/her my all" I said excitedly
"Wow thts gud" he said
"So wat we gonna do" I asked
"How about you teach me some dance lessons" he said
"Ight let's start with hip thrusts" I said
I started my hip thrusts and Chris bit his lips. Then he started and lord he almost made me faint.
"Your a natural" I said
He laughed "yk I love hanging with you Ciara"
"I love hanging with you to" I said
He kissed me and we was making out
"Still just best friends" I said
"Of course" he said
"Let's watch a movie" I said
"Ight watcha wanna watch" he asked
"Stomp the yard" I said
"Of course the movie I'm in for 15mins" he said laughing
"Believe it or not I cried wen u died" I said
He laughed "frl" he asked
"Yesss" I said
We start the movie and the part were Chris hot killed I tear fell from my face and Chris whipped it and laughed
"You really care for a nigga" he asked smirking
"Yes I do" I said kissing him
We watch the movie and I fell asleep in Chris arms. I was sleeping peacefully until Chris tickled my ear.
"Chrissss stop" I whined
"Ight lil mama ho back to sleep" he said
I went back to sleep.

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