Chapter 2

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Aja's POV
Satutday morning I wake up with Martavious on my mind. I learned a lot about him yesterday on the phone. I got to watch out for him though, I know he's a heartbreaker. He told me some things I never would've thought. He's been sweet talking to me, but I'm not falling for it.

I'm Aja Rodriguez Butler, I'm 16 years old, I'm 5'4, light skinned, mixed with Puerto Rican and African American, and a junior in high school. I'm a very smart girl, mostly straight A's. My mother and father are not together they broke up when I was a little girl. They co-parent very well though. I'm the middle child. I have a older and younger brother named Antjuan and Adrian . My dad has 4 other kids, a son and a daughter, Isaiah and Neveah, with his wife and 2 boys, Tavarius Jr. and Tadarius, by the woman he cheated on with my mother. I go to school with my older brothers . Me and Tadarius are the same age since my daddy was doing what he was doing.

I kind of like Martavious, but I don't need that kind of drama in my life. He's a street nigga and be with too many females. He's a very smart man though, he gets good grades and has a decent grade point average.

My phone vibrates bringing me out of my thoughts. It's Martavious, he texted me "GoodMorning Love 😘". I text him back "GoodMorning Martavious 😏". He hit me back "do you want to chill at the park with me this afternoon". " yes" I hit him with. "Well I'll see you around 2" he said.

So I get up around 12 and started getting ready. By the time I got done, it was 2. I text him and tell him "I'm walking out the house". He texts me "aight, I'll be there". So I'm walking to the park and I run into Martavious on my way there. Yeah we live closer than we thought. "Hey Tay" i said in a soft voice. He laughed and said "that's not my name shawty, but what's up".

Me: oh really then what is it then

Mt: Martavious , but some folks call me Mt for short or Gwalla which is my street name or Mt Gwalla.

Me: well Mt, how are you ?

Mt: I'm good boo , how about you?

Me: I'm fine, so what's the reason you wanted to meet with me 😏

Mt: well I wanted to talk to you face to face .

Me: about what ?

Mt: how I feel about you

Me: well how is that 😒

Mt: I'ma let you sit down first 😂

Me: boy whatever, come on now tell me

Mt: well I'm really feeling you and I've never felt like this about any other girl I know, it's something about you shawty and I'm liking it. I want you to be mine and I think I want a future with you.

Me: Martavious , I don't know what to say, because I know how you are and I don't think I can believe you and I don't think you'll give your hoes up just for me . I can't be walking around here looking stupid because I'm your girl and you fucking hoes.

Mt: haha 😂, I ain't been fucking hoes and I'm not going to start

Me: Wym by that Martavious , I ask looking irritated.

Mt: well ma , I ain't had sex in 3 years.

Me: 😦😂 noo no you're lying 😂.

Mt: yeah I am , I'm dead serious. My dick ain't been nowhere near a pussy in years , sad to say , but yeah.

Me: bruh no got to be kidding .

Mt: nah shawty I'm not, don't tell me you're not a virgin?

Me: hell yeah , I'm one. I can't just be fucking anybody, my virginity is special to me.

Mt: aw frfr, so you gone let me take it?

Me: laughs real hard

Mt: I'm fr shawty , none of this is a joke, I'm dead serious about everything I just said to you , I'm done playing. I'm trying to be serious, but you playing.

Me: my bad Martavious, I'm just use to niggas lying to me about everything, so don't take it to the heart when I don't believe you because you gone have to show me you want me and you're serious about being in a relationship with Aja Marie Rodriguez.

Mt: baby , I'm so serious and I can show you, don't doubt a G like me.

Me: ok, I'll give you a chance boo (pulls him in for a kiss) since I'm you're boo now, I'ma call you Tay.

Mt: yeah I can get use to that 😩😍 , I guess whatever you want baby.

So we sit there and talk for a while till the sunsets then he walks me home 😍, how sweet. A car pulls up on us and its some man , Tay walks up to it and they shakes hands and shit. I'm going to pay that no mind. So we continue walking, we get to my house and we kiss and hug each other goodbye.

I kind of feel good about dating Martavious. He's fine, tall, educated, and street smart nigga I've been looking for. If he ends up playing me , we gone have a huge problem. I'ma look at this the good way though just for us.

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