Older Men Can Be Fun

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I feel like I used to write hella smut but I've completely stopped.

I'm sorry if it's crappy lol


"Just don't break the rules," Gerard says

"What rules? There are no rules."

"There's always rules, Ney. You're dating an older man who wears a suit.. There's bound to be rules."

"Leo is a very calm man.. He's sometimes a little.. Demanding.. But nothing that doesn't have its reasons," Neymar says

"Whatever you say."


"It's so beautiful," Neymar smiles

"I'm glad you like it baby."

"I love it. And you live here alone?"

"Yeah.. Well the maids are here.. They're friendly."

"Ah, that's good."

"Listen, Ney. Now that you are living with me, we need to get some ground rules settled."

And there it goes.

"I really care about you. And you know that. But I am a working man and there are some things that you will definitely have to accommodate to and change."

"I see."

"It's nothing that you can't handle. First.. No parties.. I go on business trips a lot so I'll be out of the house a lot-"

Lionel stops talking, seeing the sadness in Neymar's eyes. He sighs and motions for him to go to him. He wraps his arms tightly around his lover once he's on his lap.

"Baby.. I promise I won't be gone for long though.. They're short trips.. And you can always accompany me if its allowed.. But I need to know that you'll be good when I'm not home."

"Of course."

"Okay.. Next.. College.. School is very important so you can't slack off.. Come to me for whatever you might need. "

"Don't bring any friends over without telling me first."

And the list goes on. They're not rules to Neymar. Not all of them at least. There's a few warnings here and there but it's nothing he can't handle.


"You look exhausted," Gerard says

"Leo and I had a conversation on rules I have to follow," Neymar groans

"I told you. Adults man."

"I know.. But I mean.. Leo works a lot so of course he doesn't want to worry and look over a little kid," Neymar says

"Well you're his boyfriend."

"I know,"

"We're still gonna party for your 18th birthday right?"

"Ah.. I was thinking of just spending it with Leo.."

"Well you can.. But like we really gotta celebrate!"

"I know. We will."


"Are you home?" Gerard says through the phone

"Yeah.. Leo is gonna be home soon, though."

"Ah.. Can I still come over?"

"Ger.. Leo's gonna be tired. Maybe tomorrow."


Neymar sighs. Maybe moving in with his boyfriend was a bad idea. He's not even of legal age yet.

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