Convince me | DIRTY g.d

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Author's Note:
One of my best friends, Jayda requested a Grayson imagine. If you want your own (grayson or ethan) just comment on here and I'll private message you for more details 😊

Your POV:

I was in the local shopping mall setting up my guitar. I've been here all day busking with my brother, Evan. From what I can see in my guitar case, there are multiple 10 dollar notes and a lot of coins.

I was getting ready to play the original I wrote a few months ago but the guy that keeps walking past, walked past again. Probably for the hundredth time. It's kind of okay because he's super cute but it's sort of creepy too.

"Hey, after this let's get something to eat or something, yeah?" Evan suggested, I just nodded.

I sang my original with little thoughts in my head at the same time.

Is he a pedophile? I really hope not, because he really is cute. Does he just like my singing? That'd be a plus. Whatever.

I said thanks in the microphone even though nobody else probably cared.

Evan and I packed our things up and the same cutie was sitting on the stool when I turned around. Pedophile for sure.

"Hey, you have a nice voice." He said.

"Okay." I was definitely startled but I tried to hide that for some reason. I must say though, he is way cuter up close.

"Jayda, wanna get something to eat now?" Evan asked, looking really confused into who this boy was.

"Yes, I'm starving." I sighed.

"Jayda... Is he your boyfriend?" The boy asked.

"How is that any of your business?" I growled.
I zipped my guitar case and threw the strap over my shoulder.

"I don't know who I just gave my money to. For all I know, you could be spending that on alcohol. I'd be happy to take it back otherwise." He snapped, folding his arms over his chest.

I started walking towards the foodcourt and this boy followed. "We don't do refunds. But if you must know," you started, leaving this guy wondering, "I need new G-strings." I joked. He cringed, "Money back, please." He put his hand out. "Relax," I laugh, "I'm messing with you."

I assume that Evan has already ordered for me so I go and pick a table for the both of us. This boy sits with me. I uncomfortably glare at him.

"What?" He sips at his Starbucks cup.

"Why are you still here?" I asked him.

"You didn't answer my question. What was the money for?"

"What is your name?" I ask.

"It's Grayson." He cleared his throat.

"Grayson. Nice. What do you-"

"You're beautiful by the way." He interrupted, "That's why I'm still here."

"Flattered, really am." I started, "But even if I was completely interested in you, which I think-"

"Completely interested?" He gave a cheeky grin, "What? I never said that. Did I?" I rubbed my forehead.


I can't believe what I just did. I slept with a guy I barely even knew. Do I regret it? Not quite sure yet. Was he amazing at it? 100% yes. But do I want to leave before he wakes up? Hell yeah!

I roll myself out of the sheets and roughly pull off one of the several sheets to cover my naked self. I dawdle to where I thought my clothes had been thrown but I couldn't find them anywhere. So I hesitantly go through Grayson's perfectly organised wardrobe and try to find a t-shirt I knew would fit like a dress on me. The only thing I could find straight away was a flannel. That's going to have to do for now.

I heard teeth gritting so I crouched down, it was Grayson.

"Jayda?" His voice sounded so sexy. It was husky and beautiful.

I gave in and stood properly, "Morning." I fake smiled. "My flannel?" He rubbed his eye, "Arhh, yeah. Sorry. I couldn't find any of my clothes." I scratch my head. "Oh, I threw them in the washing machine last night. They should be finished in the dryer now though. Why? What's the time? Do you have to be somewhere or something?" His voice was still quite husky, it was so sexy I could kiss him to death. But I should never had come here in the first place.

"Yeah..." I lied.

"Oh." He shifted his legs, he was now sitting on the edge of his side of the bed.

"You stay here and freshin' up or something. I'll go get them for you."

Mr.Ask A Lot Of Questions didn't have that many questions compared to yesterday. I kind of chuckled to myself as he walked out.

I walked into his bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I turned the cold tape on and washed my face. I hadn't done much yet but it definitely felt better than before. My hair looked like a crazy crisis so I tied it up in a ponytail.

Grayson walked into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt a cold breeze of his chest on the back of my shoulder, but it was a nice breeze. He started planting kisses on my neck, making me let out a small moan.

"Sorry, thanks for washing my clothes Grayson but I have to go." I stopped him from kissing me and started towards his bed, dressing into my own clothes now.


Here's the questions.

"I just have to go..." I felt bad that I didn't really need to go. This is my one night stand. That's all this will be, it's all that it can be.

"Please don't leave." He pleaded.

Okay, Grayson...

"Convince me why I should stay." I smirk.

He takes a step closer to me now.

"Okay. Firstly," He kissed my neck, "You know we both had fun last night." He kissed my forehead, "Secondly, you'll regret not staying."

"And lastly..."

He kissed my lips, slowly and passionately. It turned into a heated make out.

I pulled off, almost out of breath.

"Okay, I'll stay."

hope you liked this ❤️


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