You're upset ~ Ethan

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Ethan was finally back from LA tonight he had plans on coming to spend a few days with you. Except while he was gone all you seemed to do was read all the hate from his fans.

'She's ugly...'
'Why would he date her?!🔫'
'She seems like a real ugly bitch😒'

There were way more.

You guessed Ethan hadn't seen any of it yet otherwise he would've mentioned something on his social medias, or at least asked if you were okay.

Anyway, he had just texted you that he was on his way. You knew you were excited but you just weren't in the right mindset. You tried to comfort yourself by watching a comedy movie with your little brothers.

You heard the knock on the door and took your time to answer the door. You opened the door rubbing the crook of your neck.

"Hey!" He gave you a long hug. "Hey..." You tried to hold back tears and to sound excited at the same time. "I missed you so much!" He helped himself inside, like usual. "Ethan!" Your little brother started jumping on the couch. "Hey Milo, sit down! Hey Darling!" Your mom came to give Ethan a welcoming hug. You just smiled with your left hand rested on your right shoulder.

You wore a peach-swing-crop singlet, grey sweatpants, and a black crystal chocker. Your hair was tied in a messy low bun.

Ethan wanted to go chill out in your room so you directed him to it. "New duvet covers?" He looked stunned. "Ah yeah, Mom wouldn't let me go anywhere today unless I cleaned my room." He sat on your bed and you closed your bedroom door.

"Your neck okay?" He stood up behind you and started giving you a relaxing massage, "Yeah, just been a long day..." You were still trying to hold the tears. "Babe, you're very tense. You okay?" He stopped and you slowly turned around to face him. A tear rushed down your cheek as you blinked. He wiped the tear away, "Babe, what's wrong?" You let out a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"I read like a heap of hate from your fans towards me all weekend. It got worse and worse everytime even though I must say, some of it was very funny-" He interrupted your sprint of sadness building up.

"Babe, you should have told me. I would've said something!" His hand was on your cheek. You turned your face so it was now cupping your face. You kissed the inside of his hand and another tear ran down your face.

"I just didn't want to ruin your little holiday. You looked like you were having great fun." You sighed.

"Y/N, you would never ruin anything. I love you. I didn't completely have fun because you weren't with me... I'm so sorry that you read all of that. I really am. I had no idea that any of it even existed. Please don't believe any of it because none of it is true." He kissed your peach tasting lips, "Peach?" He smiled at you. "I got new lip-balm too..." He licked and then bit his lip. You kissed again.

He went on Twitter and tweeted -
Guys, I got home and my baby was upset because of you. I'm disappointed that you'd send her hate. All you guys do is wish for me to be happy and when I'm finally happy you bring me down. Please stop with the hate. Thank you 😔 @/your/twitter/name

It was too long though so after he typed it then screenshotted and posted it. He recieved a heap of apologises instantly.

That made you fall in love with him even more.

Hey! So I hope you loved this imagine! I did. It's like almost 1 in the morning I think 😂 I love writing these imagines so if you have any ideas I'll be keen to write them. I also read my imagines over again and realised I had a million spelling mistakes or just forgot a word or something like that so when I get the time I'll correct it all. I hope you have a groovy day! Byeee 😘💞 Btw I've just gone through and corrected any errors. 😂

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