Chapter 1

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I was walking down the aisle towards the man that I loved. The man I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

He smiled brightly at me as our eyes met. I returned his smile and I could feel my emotions taking over, I couldn't believe the day was finally here. I loved Roman so much and now we would be married.

We stopped and I turned to face my dad, he lifted my veil and smiled down at me and then gave me a kiss on my cheek. '

' Go get hitched sweetie'' he whispered.

He smiled at Roman and then sat down.

I stared into Roman's eyes as the priest began, ''Dearly beloved we are...''

''I just wish she would wake up already its been MONTHS! The doctor said she was fine for a few bruises then why the hell isn't she waking up?'' I heard Roman shouting.

'' Sir, you need to calm down, even though there were minor injuries, she had a major concussion and her body has to recover internally on its own as well. She'll wake up when she's ready. We just have to be patient''

'' Patient? I have been fucking patient, do you know what it feels like staring at the person you love everyday and they are not responding to your voice and all you can do is hold their hand 24/7 hoping that maybe today will be the day! You clearly don't or you wouldn't be telling me to be patient!''

'' Roman, calm down man..You need to cool down. Go home, eat and then come back. Nikki and I will stay with her and the rest are in the waiting room, she will be fine..'' I heard John speaking trying to talk him down.

'' I'm not leaving... I don't even have a home. That apartment.. I cant be there without her'' his voice sounded so defeated.

"Now then just go get some coffee or something and then come back, you need to calm down''

''Fine...'' I heard Roman and the nurse leave.

'' I just cant believe this happened...''

'' She'll wake up soon and then everything will be fine, Roman needs her, we need her''

Everything was blurry as my eyes adjusted to the light.

'' John she's....''

'' Mia , thank God!'' John stood up and hugged me and Nikki did the same.

''I'll call Roman!'' Nikki was heading to the door.

''NO!'' My throat hurt so badly as I screamed out.

She raised her eyebrow at me, '' What do you mean no?''

'' I don't want to see him...'' I looked the other way, out the window.

'' Mia, he's your fiancé. He needs to know that you are awake!''

Fiance? So he clearly hadn't told anyone that I broke it off.

'' I don't want to see him okay?''

'' Nikki leave her, she...''

'' NO! She cant do this, we have all been sitting here between working for the past 7... 8 months worrying our butts off. Roman has been a fucking wreck and now she's saying she doesn't want to see him? Mia, you are being so fucking selfish right now!'' I felt tears flowing from my eyes.

'' Nikki she just woke up she doesn't need this''

'' Yeah well she needs Roman and holding onto a fucking argument that should mean nothing now is just stupid. You and Roman are meant to be together, why are you being like this?''

...But Am I His Jane? (  COMPLETE ) *SEQUEL TO HE'S MY TARZAN...*Where stories live. Discover now