Chapter 28

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I heard Lucy and saw her running I would've ran after her but my arm was in so much pain and my recovering ribs meant running was a no-no .

I had walked with her to the entrance as since I didn't have a phone we wouldn't have known if he was here or not.

I saw her jump into his arms and he swung her around as he smiled brightly. Just seeing his face instantly made me happier and guilty as well due to me asking his daughter to lie.

But I had no choice if Nikki was right and he had been considering the fact that I could be cheating, him finding out Aaron was here would just make everything worse and play right into Aaron's hands. I guess I was selfish but I would do anything not to lose any of the people in my life.

As I reached them, he had set her down and held her hand as he saw me his smile became bright yet again.

I hugged him with my other arm and he threw his arm over my shoulder and held me close.

"You okay baby girl?" I nodded as he kissed my forehead. I breath in deeply and exhaled and smiled brightly as he let me go.

"Look what Lucy won me!" I pressed a laugh and Roman began talking to her asking her how she managed to do it on her own.

She didn't mention anything about Aaron, I knew she wouldn't. She took Pinky promises very seriously, I just hated lying so much and now I made her lie to her own father well technically not lie I guess.

"Let's go get some hot dogs. I'm sure you twisted Aunty Mi's arm so that you could eat sweets all day!" He teased and winked at me.

"We only had ice-cream daddy"

"I hope so..." I felt him clutch my hand and I turned to look at him.

"Have you heard about Seth?"

I nodded. "He came to drop Lucy off as Jenna was working. What's going to happen to your title shot?"

"I honestly have no idea, guess we'll see on Monday. I'm so glad its in New York so I can be with you and.."

"Daddy look there's Elsa!" I turned and saw her and I realized we hadn't seen her before.

"I need to sit down a bit you guys go and catch up with her before you lose her"

"You sure?" I nodded and he kissed my cheek and ran off with Lucy to reach her favourite movie character.


I glanced through the crowd and saw them heading my way with hotdogs in hand.

"So were you able to reach her?" I asked as they joined me at the table and Roman handed me a hotdog.

"Yes! She sang as well, she was so pretty but not as pretty as you Aunty Mi, and mommy and Aunt Coco and.."

She was cut off by Roman as he probably figured she would go on all day.

"Hey aren't I pretty?" He teased and she turned to look at him as they sat opposite me.

"No daddy, you're a boy.. you're gross!"

She said seriously and then bit into her hot dog. I bit my lip to hold back my laughter as Roman's shocked face was priceless.

"Guess I should be happy that you feel that way about the opposite gender" Roman shook his head but she wasn't paying attention as a guy was juggling near to where we were and her eyes were focused on him.

"I guess you're the only one who thinks I'm worth paying attention to" he smirked as he took a bite.

"I don't know, that juggler sure seems intriguing." I looked over at the guy and Roman's eyes were focused on me as my eyes met his again.

...But Am I His Jane? (  COMPLETE ) *SEQUEL TO HE'S MY TARZAN...*Where stories live. Discover now