Chapter 3 - Who are you?

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*Courtney's POV*


As I woke up I silently groaned, my head hurts so much along with my arms and legs. I tried to open my heavy eyes, it took a couple of goes, when I did the whole room was white and I had cords and needles in my arm. I looked to my left and I saw Georgie sitting in a chair, I wonder were I am. "Georgie?" My voice was a little weird, I sounded more like a chipmunk.

She looked up straight away and she looked like she had been crying, her cheeks were stained with tears. She looks happy and said all at the same time, she came running over to me and hugged me really tight. "Your ok, thank god." She spoke really fast.

Im so confused I asked"What happened?" Geoegie just kind of looked at me, "you don't remember?" I tried to remember..."all I remember was that You and I were in a car, nothing else.'' I honestly can't remember, that's weird even with my forgetful memory to start with. "Oh well I'll tell you later, I'll get Michael for you! He will be so happy." She spoke "wait what happened to you? we were both in the car." I asked because she looks fine. "Not much i just got a broken leg, because the impact was more on your side." my side i dont remember. "So what happened again, exactly?" "Well we got arrested and when we were going to the police station in the car, we got hit from the side." she explained to me and then run out of the room before I could say anything. I wonder who Michael is.

A couple of minutes later as Georgie came back in the room with not only one boy but four! They all looked really happy even though I could tell they had been crying. I stared at them, I have never seen any of these people before why is she bringing them in my room. But before I could say anything they started to talk.

"Courtney, babe your ok, thank god." He said then hugged me, why is a stranger hugging me. I shoved him off me "don't hug me!" I yelled at him. He looked stunned, I really didn't mean to yell I just don't like being touched by strange people. "Courtney what's wrong?" He asked me, how does he know me. Everyone else in the room just stood there and looked at each other.

"What's wrong is that you Georgie bring these people in here and then they go hugging me and I don't even know who they are!." I turn to Michael "who are you?" As soon as I said that they all looked shocked. "Courtney it's me Michael" wow genius I got that much. "I know your name but I don't KNOW you, I have never seen any of you before." I don't understand. "Hey, it's ok they can all leave court don't worry." Georgie finally says trying to calm me down. "Okay." They all leave quietly until the door shuts behind them, then I hear yelling.CI turn my attention back to Georgie who looks as confused as me.

"Courtney it's Michael, how can you not know him? You have been around him and the rest of those boys for two and more years?"

"Georgie I'm telling you I don't know who they are, I've never seen them before!"

"Alright, alright calm down I'll let you rest while I get the doctor to tell him that your awake." She walked out of the room and now I'm left here to fell confused as hell.


The doctor came in about five minutes after Georgie left and he has been doing tests on me for about an hour, since I told him I can't remember anything and now I get to know why.

"We'll miss woodland it looks like you have amnesia." What no...amnesia is he serious, I...I can't believe it. I found out that I have been in a coma for three months and now I have amnesia, nope. "Seriously! What can you do?" I asked hopeful that he can do something to get my memory back. "We'll miss, I can't do anything it's all up to you and the people around you, you just have to be around people and hope that things trigger your memory. Also there is no way of knowing how long it will take you might get all your memory back in months, or maybe years."

I didn't realise I was crying until I felt a tear on my cheek. That's it my whole life basically gone, I can't remember anyone...well apart from Georgie and my parents that about it but other than that nothing. "Ok thanks. So when can I go home then?." I asked him in the middle of crying. "We'll miss you can go home tomorrow as long as everything is fine."

-------------------------------------------- with this story I don't know a thing about amnesia, so I don't mean to offend anyone if I do.

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Love you me lovelies :)


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