Pranking the Boy Next Door Chapter 8

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Authors note: Hey guys! Comment and vote please! Enjoy.


Chapter 8:

It's now 6:14 and I'm pacing in my living room. Spencer had come into the shop earlier and told me he would pick me up at 6:30. Sky and Ash questioned me after that before sending me home early to get ready.

When I had gotten home I had taken a shower and did my hair. I ended up straitening and curling my hair so it was in waves. Next I put on a brown sundress with some black flats and a tiny black purse. To top it off I added some mascara, concealer, lip gloss, eyeliner, and some sparkly eye shadow.

Oh god what if I don't look good? What if he doesn't like what I'm wearing? Did I overdo it? Or maybe I under did it?

My thoughts were suddenly cut off by the doorbell. I rushed over and made sure I looked presentable before opening my door. When he looked at me his mouth dropped. Mine did the same as I saw him. He was wearing nice jeans with a cute dress shirt and his hair was in a cute messy style, but still looked good. Basically, he looked HOT!

"Wow! Vi, you look beautiful!" He exclaimed after checking me out. I blushed like a maniac before replying, "You too."

I smiled as he blushed also. He looked so cute!

"Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and closed the door behind me. We walked to his car and he opened the door for me. I blushed once again and smiled at how polite he was being. Not many guys were like that anymore, they are all jackasses.

He enters his car and starts driving down the road. The car remains silent as we ride. We finally arrive at a small little restaurant and he hops out of the car and opens my door for me. I take his hand that he offers me and he help me out of the car.

He closes my door and head into the restaurant, still holding hands. "Dinner for two." Spencer announces to the waiter. "Right this way!" the waiter says, leading us to a booth.

We slide into the booths across from each other and look at the menu. The waiter comes back after a few minutes and asks for our drinks. "I'll have a sprite." I tell the waiter and Spencer asks for iced tea.

"All right ladies and gentleman! It’s time for some karaoke! Who's up first?" A random waiter says on a stage. Wow! I just now saw the stage? Am I really that nervous?

The waiter looks around for some volunteers and Spencer's hand shoots up. I look at him with wide eyes as he smiles mischievously before walking toward the stage.

"All right people, I have to warn you that I am terrible at singing. I do have a friend over here though that can sing. I'll keep singing until she decides to put everybody out of their misery and sing for you." He announces before whispering to the waiter what song he wants.

Seconds later I hear the start of Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. I smiled realizing he remembered the first song I sang in front of him, Ash, and Aiden. 

My smile soon vanishes and is replaced with a look of horror. He sounded like a cat dying! He was screeching the lyrics and I see many people’s faces turn into disgust. By the time the chorus starts I couldn’t take it. I stood up and headed toward the stage.

"Ladies and gentleman, I present Violet Brooks!" I take the microphone from him and they start the song over. I take a deep breath and I start to sing. 

By the time I'm done with the song I'm grinning like a mad man and almost everybody in the restaurant are standing, giving me a standing ovation.

I walk back to our table and see Spencer smiling proudly at me. "Damn your good! I can listen to you sing all day!" 

I blush and the waiter walks up and takes our order. We both order pasta and the waiter leaves us alone. "So how's Cody?" Spencer asks.

I smile at him and reply, "He is good! Except for this morning. I found him chewing up my favorite pair of sandals. I forgave him though when he gave me his evil puppy dog eyes." 

He laughs at me and how frustrated I sounded. The waiter returns and gives us our food and I immediately dig in. When I look up I see that Spencer is giving me an amused smile.

"What?" I ask after swallowing my food. He chuckles and replies, "Usually girls don't eat a lot on dates. They usually stuff their faces with food when they get home."

I look down at my hands embarrassed. Realizing my discomfort Spencer adds quickly, "I like it though! I means that you’re not afraid to show who you truly are to me!" 

I look back at him and shrug. He chuckles at my response and we continue eating. 

"You were right by the way." I tell him and he gives me a confused look. "You do suck at singing. It sounded like a dying cat, or maybe it was a dying pig." I say trying to pick.

He smiles and says, "Probably in-between." I nod at his answer and we finish eating. 

After fighting over who pays the bill, with him winning, we drive back toward our houses. He walks me to my door when we arrive home.

"Sooo, Vi I had fun tonight. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to watch the Fourth of July fireworks in three days." He asks nervously while biting his lip. 

I smile at how cute he looked and replied, "Of course I will! And thank you for the fun night." With that I kiss him on the cheek and leave him standing on my porch surprised.

I hear a squeal from behind me before finding my aunt sitting in the living room. "Your home! Now tell me everything that happened!" She exclaims.

I plop down on the couch next to her before recapping my whole night. "Oh em geee!!!! That is so cute!!" She squeals after I tell her about my date. Cody then hops on the couch next to me and lays down resting his head on my lap.

After my aunt finishes freaking out over my date, and my date that is coming up we turned on Sherlock and began watching.

After a few hours we decided to go to bed. I fell asleep that night dreaming of Spencer and I. Oh he is such a good kisser in my dreams, I can't wait to find out for myself. Wait WHAT!?


Authors note: Sorry for the short chapter but I promise I will update as soon as I can! 

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