Pranking the Boy Next Door Chapter 15

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Authors note: Hey guys! I've been really bored so comment some movies or a show I should watch. Happy reading!


Chapter 15:

"VVVVRROOOO!" I wake up to that noise and automatically scream when I see a man in a Jason mask with a chainsaw.

Holy shit! I knew I shouldn't have watched Friday the 13th movies when I was little! Now Jason has come for me for laughing during the movie!

"AHAHAHAHAH!" Jason laughs at me and shuts off the chainsaw. Wait I know that laugh! 

"Spencer!" I shriek, but of course it only makes him laugh harder.

Once he drops the chainsaw on the ground and takes off his mask I tackle him and begin smacking him.

"You-smack-Fucking-smack-Jack-smack-Ass!" I yell at him and smack him.

The next thing I know, Spencer grabs my arms and flips me over so now he is on top of me.

"Aw babe, you know you had it coming!" He says with a smirk.

"Get off me!" I yell and scowl at him.

"Aw you look cute when you're mad!" He tells me, making me blush.

He smiles when he sees my blush and leans in closer. When our lips finally brush, I put my arms around his neck and pull him closer. 

He starts kissing me more roughly and passionately and I kiss him back just as roughly and passionately.

"Oh my! Um I guess I'll come back later!" I hear someone say from my doorway.

Spencer and I break apart and look to see my aunt in the doorway. Both of us immediately turn red blushing. She turns away and begins walking down the hall but before she disappears she grabs something from her purse and throws it at us and says, "Use protection!"

I pick up the object she threw at us and blush even harder. She threw a fucking condom at us!

I glance at Spencer and see that he is blushing just as hard as I am.

"Well b-bye Spencer!" I say stuttering.

He nods and kisses me lightly before leaving with the mask and chainsaw. Once I hear the front door close I sprint and find my aunt in the kitchen with breakfast.

"Wow that was fast! Was he good?" My aunt asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"Auntie!" I shriek, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

She shrugs before saying, "What! It's a good, honest question!"

"We didn't have sex!" I shriek.

"Oh, well ok. Is he a good kisser?" she asks.

I blush before muttering a yes and grabbing breakfast. She giggles at me as I glance at the clock. It's too early to go to work yet so I begin planning a prank.

Oh I know what to do!

I look out the window and see that Spencer is still surfing so I grab what I need and sprint out of the house telling my aunt I'd be right back.

I enter Spencer's house and grab 3 of his shoes and fill them with slime I got from Target. Right when I'm done I sprint back out.

I find a note on the table saying that my aunt went to work so I just go to the couch and watch TV before I had to get ready. Cody jumps on the couch and cuddles next to me as I start the show.

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