first relationship

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november 1st, 2015

calum had never had a girlfriend before, yes, he had slept with a girl before and had his fair share of kisses, but he never actually had a girlfriend.

he wanted ariana to be his first.

calum knew that ariana would of had plenty of boyfriends before him so he was nervous as he would be inexperienced, which could annoy her.

but what he didn't know was that ariana felt the exact same way.

ariana had never had a boyfriend, she was always too focused on the more important things as she knew she was only young and had a lot of time to date people. ariana had spent all her time with family, going to school to get good grades and working at her part time job. calum was the first person who made her step back and think about actually liking someone.

so, one night when ariana opened her front door to see calum standing with a bunch of roses, she was very confused.

"look ariana, i have wanted to ask you something for a few weeks now. and i know you might not feel the same way but i have to tell you, i'm driving myself insane." calum said as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

ariana grabbed him by the hand and pulled him inside, wanting to know what was so important that calum had to come to her door at 11pm on a school night with a bunch of flowers in his hands.

"alright so if you haven't realised by now, i really really like you. no, it's not a stupid crush, i want to call you mine, i want to protect you, and i want a lot more than friends." he muttered quietly as one of his hands reached out to grab both of ariana's, "will you please be my girlfriend?" he asked as his eyes stared into hers.

ariana couldn't stop the huge grin from overtaking her face, this is exactly what she wanted. she knew that her and calum had confessed their feelings for eachother a few days before but she still didn't believe that he was really into her - he wanted to be her boyfriend!

"i would love to be your girlfriend, i literally wanted to ask you a few days ago but i was too scared. you beat me to it." she finally replied as she walked over to him, standing up on her tiptoes and planting a kiss on each of calum's cheeks before pressing her lips on top of his softly.

and in that moment,

both ariana and calum were the happiest that they had ever been in a long time.

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