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may 9th, 2019 

ariana and calum decided to wait a year before they got married as they wanted to save up as much money as they could to have the perfect day. 

they even organised to have their wedding on the day that they met each other, 4 years earlier in 2015. ariana had decided on her friend clara, aunt anne and cousin katie to be her three bridesmaids. she only wanted two but she asked her aunt when she realised that calum would want to have all three of his best friends. luke was the best man, while clara was the maid of honor. 

ariana was standing beside her dad, waiting for the music to start so that they could both walk down the aisle where she would come face to face with her soon to be husband. 

"i can't believe i am walking my baby down the aisle. it still feels like you are my little girl." he said as he held onto my hand. 

"i will always be your little girl dad, you know that. i'm so nervous" she said, trying desperately to change the subject because she was scared that she was going to start to cry soon and that would only ruin her makeup that had taken so long to do.

 "you will be fine ari, calum is a great boy and i'm so glad you found someone like him." ariana's dad, john, assured. 

the music began to play then, causing john to pull ariana towards the aisle. she soon realised that this was it, so she walked alongside him, holding onto him tight. when they reached the top, john gave ariana a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving her to stand, face to face with calum. 

calum couldn't take his eyes away from her, she looked so amazing - she was the best thing that he had ever laid his eyes on. 

when they made eye contact for the first time, they almost started laughing but then realised that they probably shouldn't so they just grinned at each other - it was as if nobody else was even in the room. 

it soon came to the vows, and they both decided on not making up their own ones as they already each knew what the other was going to say, plus ariana was too nervous to make up her own so calum agreed on using traditional ones. 

 calum said his first,"i, calum hood, take you, ariana grande, to be my wife. i promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. i will love and honor you all the days of my life." he said, smiling widely at her. 

ariana was next to say hers, and she was beyond nervous about speaking in front of so many people, "i, ariana grande, take you, calum hood, to be my husband. i promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. i will love and honor you all the days of my life." she breathed out, happy that she had it over and done with. 

"i am glad to pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." the priest smiled and calum pulled ariana into him, his smile growing as he pressed his lips to hers. everyone began to clap and cheer, and ariana and calum couldn't stop smiling the entire day. 

ariana was no longer ariana grande, she was ariana hood. 

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