5-"Just Like The Old Days."

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Aimee and I walk back to our dorm in silence. The minute she closes the door to our dorm, I demand, "Spill it, sister."

"What?" She asks, trying to look casual and confused and innocent. And failing.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" I ask, tapping Aimee's left temple.

"I may or may not like someone. Maybe even love, if I actually knew what love feels like," Aimee admits, biting her nails.

I sit there for a moment. Then I leap up. "OMG this is so exciting! When do I get to meet the lucky guy?"

She shakes her head violently. "No! He doesn't even like me back. I'm like his sister," she says sadly.

"Wait, do you like Brent?" I ask, confused.

Aimee laughs. And almost falls off the bed in tears. "God, no. No, I like someone else."

"Who?" I ask, excited. I know this seems childish but I never had this problem before. I went to an ALL GIRLS SCHOOL so I guess it was natural for me to be excited. I think.

"Well..." Aimee blushes.


Aimee laughs lightly and runs a hand through her hair, as she took it out of its ponytail on the way back to the dorm.

I glance at the time and say, "Well, I don't know about you but I think this calls for a PAV session."

"Just like the old days?" Aimee says, a hopeful look on her face.

"Yep. A classic Pajama and Vent session," I say.

She grins and we head to our opposite dressers for out sleep outfits.

Just like the old days.



I can't stop thinking about her.

The girl, the new one. Max.

She's amazing. The way she rambles when she's feeling shy. The way she has dimples, the left more prominent than the right. The way she tilts her head slightly to the right when thinking.

Now you think I'm a stalker.

But I'm not. I just notice the little things about people.

The things that make them themselves.

I lay down on my bed and pull my phone out from my pocket and check the text message.

My dad.

Sighing, I flip onto my stomach and open the message.

From: Dad

Hey a**hole wish you were here im feeling like slapping someone but ur not here so i guess ur b****y mom will have to do

My grip tightens on my phone. How dare he?

I sit up fast and stomp across the room and tug at the ends of my hair. For hours I pace back and forth across the room.

In case you're wondering, I don't have a roommate. Or else I wouldn't have paced the entire night away.

Jut like the old days.

Sometime near 3am I collapse into bed, fully clothed and fall asleep from exhaustion. Tomorrow was the first day of classes and it is going to be living hell, I think before everything goes black.


When I wake up the next morning, I change my shirt and walk out of the dorm room without looking in the mirror or anything. When I reach the mess hall, Little Miss Max comes hopping over.

"Hi, Brent!" She says.

I turn to face her.

She smiles at me. I'm sure I look awful, but she doesn't even change her facial expression in he slightest bit. And boy, am I glad about that.

"Hey," I reply tiredly. She bumps her shoulder into mine.

"Not much of a morning person, huh?" She asks playfully.

I crack a smile and then let it fall from my face. To tired to keep up a façade anyway.

The breakfast line drags on, and we grab some food before reaching our table.

Everest frowns. "Dude, you look like hell."

Thanks, man. I needed that.

"Thanks, Everest." I roll my eyes and he gives me a thumbs up while stuffing his face with bacon and eggs.




I've been updating like two chapters a day for the past few days because I'm just so bored.

Also, I am kind of getting over writers block. Meh not really. I just had a few ideas and decided to jot them down real fast.

Love you all!

Xox, Anna Petersen

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