9-"She Told Me We Were Over."

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I don't like Katie.

Can you tell?

I don't like her because...

Well, Katie and I have a bit of history together.



"Hi...?" I turned around, my floppy five-year-old hair falling into my eyes. I pushed the dark hair away from my line of sight to see a little girl about my age.

She smiled. She had baby blue eyes and a small smile and pink lips that looked like they were slathered in lip gloss. She had very long blonde hair for a five-year-old. It hit the tops of her skinny jeans with the loose black top she wore. The girl was beautiful.

Well, as beautiful as my little five-year-old brain could tell.

She tilted her head to the side and asked, "Who are you?"

She wrinkled her nose.


I told her, "Brent."

"I'm Katie," she said.

I nodded.

Now, I was an awkward child. Why a breathtakingly-heartstoppingly-pretty girl-next-door look child my age talk to a weirdo like me is still yet to be determined.

So I turned away from her and continued doing my work.

She sat down next to me. She looked overly mature for our grade of kindergarten.

She drew a flower next to my surfboard picture.

I drew a girl that looked like Katie picking the flower.

Katie drew a guy that looked like me on the surfboard.

I still have that picture.


By now, Katie and I were inseparable. We sat with each other at lunch, did group projects with each other and such. And I had the crush of the century on the pretty little blond girl next to me.

She wasn't what my mom called "dumb blondes". We learned about stereotypes in fourth grade and I told her off for assuming Katie was dumb.

Katie had some of the highest grades in our school.

I thought I loved her.

I thought she loved me.

I was a sixth grader.

I was stupid.


She told me that she liked me the third week of seventh grade.

She told me that I should ask her out.

I asked her out the next day.

She said yes.

We "dated".

We actually went on dates. Not alone, of course.

When our families got together, we would eat at a separate table.

By ourselves.

By then, I had other best friends. Everest and Claire were my true ones-Aimee was off-and-on. She claimed that "Katie's voice made her brain explode".

I don't deny it.

Sometime around fifth grade, Katie's voice started changing from normal to AHHHHHH STOP TALKING OR WE WILL ALL BE DEAF.

I don't know how.

Then, one day she came up to me and said, "We're done. We are no longer friends in any which way."

I stupidly asked why.

She told me I was stupid. She told me I was an idiot. She also told me that I was an embarrassment to her by following her around like a lost puppy. She also told me I was ugly. She told me were over.Then she said I was too dumb to even attend this school.

Trust me, I don't want to be here.

Then, she walked away from me.

She left me in the dust.


She dumped me in a baseball field on a windy day.


At the end of seventh grade, she told me she was sorry. She cried. She begged for my forgiveness.

I accepted.

The next day, she slapped me and called me a "f***ing who**" because I walked Emily Carter to her dorm. She had a project, and I was helping her carry it.

I told Katie that we weren't even together, so I could walk with whoever I wanted.

She told me we were over.

I didn't care anymore.

I gave her a chance.

She lost it.


She came back to me at the very end of seventh grade. I told her no.

She called me everyday of the summer until I blocked her number.

I don't like Katie.

Can you tell?


Wow. I feel accomplished.

I wrote in Brent's POV! For an entire chapter!

I am pretty bad at writing in boy's POVs because I am not a boy, therefore I do not know how a boy thinks and why they think that way.

HA. I wish I did know/speak boy.

Do you know how much money I could get? Like, "I WILL SPEAK BOY FOR YOU! PAY ME $20 AN HOUR!"

I would be rich.

Okay, well.

Please vote! I love you guys! Kisses! Hersey kisses!

"I've never had a mistletoe kiss or a New Years kiss. Not even a first kiss. But I had a Hersey kiss, and that was the best thing EVER."

Okay. I'm weird. Love you!

Xox, Anna Petersen

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