Chapter 8 - Training Grounds

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Hello guys! I am so sorry (again) I was not able to upload this week. Exams and some other stuff lined up (we call it the Hell Week. and when we call it hell, it's hell!) But I guess I luckily survived this week, and I'm back into writing!

About this chapter, I personally love the later part where they will train for an upcoming battle (as the title of the chapter suggests). I'm glad the story is now heating up and I like how the story goes.

And by the way, I really thank the supporters who voted, commented, and even those who became a fan! I am really thankful since this story reached the #2 spot in the Sci Fi category! Let's continue to make it number 1!! :))

And for the loyal readers, please vote and comment! I really want to know you better. :) 

Lastly, picture of Noah McCreary portrayed by Cameron Bright. And I would like to point out that even though him and Dakota Fanning are both here, this story is not Twilight saga at all. ;)

Chapter 8 – Training Grounds

There was a moment of silence after Celeste said those words. How come Vega suspected Ad Lucem helping the evil Heirs? Basing from Angelo’s stories about the Heirs, there’s no way he would help them, despite the threat of their extinction. But on second thought, it’s nearly impossible that their race will approach extinction because of their great abilities, except they’ll kill their own “brothers and sisters”.

“Why? Why did Vega think about us helping the Heirs?”, Van asked weakly. The other members drew closer to Celeste since they were still clueless about it. Celeste must’ve already told them about this if Van was not discovered hiding under a table.

“Sir Angelo, do you remember the time when I said to you about what I saw two days before?”, Celeste asked Angelo with a scared face. “They might have misunderstood it.”

“You are possibly right, Celeste.”, Angelo said. After a few minutes of thinking, he faced Van. “Remember the night when Vega attacked your house, killing both of your parents?”, he asked Van. Van just nodded.

“I was able to help you out from the attackers because of Celeste’s vision. She saw that Vega was able to spot an Heir living in Falcon, and they were planning to kill the Heir during the night. I decided to capture the Heir, and not to save it. I want to save its body since I want to get a sample of blood for future use. When I heard a commotion in your house, I eavesdropped on your conversation, and I heard that the Heir was already gone. Then that’s the time when I helped you out, Van.”, Angelo explained. Celeste was just nodding all throughout Angelo’s explanation, while the others listened attentively. Van, on the other hand, stayed motionless. He could not believe what he heard from the mouth of the man whom he trusted with. Angelo did not care for Kate at all. He just wanted a small amount of blood, and just leave her to be killed by Vega.

Angelo sensed the fury on Van’s face. Because of this, Angelo tried to pat Van’s back, but Van removed his hand.

“Don’t touch me. How dare you see Kate like an experimental being only.”, Van said in his cold voice.

“Van, she is an Heir. I don’t despise them, since not all Heirs are evil-hearted. If I ever knew before that Kate is such a good person based from you, then there’s no way I would leave her and get killed in the hands of Vega.”, he explained in his soft voice, while Van’s fury slowly disappeared.

“Van,”, a voice from the group was heard. It was Noah’s. “If Kate is a nice girl, then prove it by yourself. Show us that she’s worth fighting for. Fight for her life, and save her from the hands of the Heirs. And if you were able to do that, then she would be gladly accepted, and she will not be treated as an Heir, but as a human with a heart.”

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