Forget Us Not

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I wrote this to send to my senator when the government shut down in Oct 2013

Forget us not,
We who are small
Without a voice or vote
in Congressional Halls.

Forget us not,
We who will lose
As the anger boils
Between Reds and Blues.

Forget us not,
We who are scared
Will there be jobs
Now that no one cares?

Forget us not,
We without hope
The budget is stretched
past the end of its rope.

Forget us not,
We without choice
We are but the masses
with our small voice.

Forget us not,
We without cause?
to march against
these Congressional halls?

Forget us not,
We who are many
Who see the lies
And untruths aplenty

Forget us not,
We who are asking
To put aside colors
And agendas you're masking.

Forget us not,
We who did vote
To set aside differences
And keep the county afloat.

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