Chapter 1

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 I woke up or was I awake I could barely tell.. My eyes felt heavy It hurts to even try to open them.  I could feel water on the back of my shirt. It's been raining recently and i'm laying in one of its puddles. The occasional car going by WAIT CAR. I use what energy I have to bring my hands up to my eyes rubbing them. After awhile they finally decided to open. The first thing I notice was how bright☼ it was and the foul stench.

 I sit upright to look at my surroundings the smell is coming from the dumpster. I'm sitting by a dumpster. I could finally feel a headache coming.

" What the hell?" I say reaching around trying to find something to pull me up.

 Reaching to my pocket which I'm glad to find my phone and pull it out to find 6 missed calls and 11 messages. What happened? I put my hand to head hoping to calm down the headache which still wasn't going away. Scrolling through my messages to find all of the messages from Emma.            


4:26 am    

 Where are you! I looked all over town?? I bet you woke up next to a homeless person and you have a terrible hangover. Text me I need to know you're alive! Tell the homeless person I said hello :D

 The rest are basically the same. Eh so this is a hangover yep this won't be happening again.

 Emma has always looked out for me if anyone would have met her they would definitely would think she is as calm as could be. I always get a laugh out of it. When were together she is the cool giggly person I've know basically my entire life. Trust me though she could get angry if she wanted to I've never seen it but she has told me of some stories. Of course they are all hilarious! 

 Now that I think about it I hope I wasn't sleeping with a stranger. I double check to make sure I wasn't cuddling with a new friend. The headache is growing stonger I groan. I continue to walk taking note where I was. Losing thought I run right into some person only causing the headache to be ten times worse.

 " Damnit." I grumble

 I look up only to see the guy look at me then scoff and walk off I mean come on don't be an ass I just woke up in an alley for god's sake! I get up dusting off any remaining dirt. Looking up to see a Starbucks down the road I give a relieved sigh and continued walking finally reaching the front step.

 Stepping inside I got a few looks I just shrugged them off and headed straight to the bathroom. Looking at the mirror I saw the dark brunette with blue eyes. My hair up in a messy ponytail the worst was my makeup the reason why is that I have mascara running down the side of my face. I wash my face off. When i'm through I look halfway decent still looking like I haven't slept in a week.

 Leaving the bathroom and heading to the counter to order a capcappuccino I heard from Emma that was the way she got over a hangover. Grabbing the cup and sitting down I hear the ringtone I've been waiting to hear.☎

" Hello?" I grumble maybe a little ruder then I wanted

" Ashlen.. Where are you! I looked all over town for you. Please tell me a homeless person didn't touch you and I should be the one to give you attitude!"

" Em it's okay I'm alright. I just woke up in a alley I woke up with a major headache also now that I think about it I reek of alcohol and I got a cappuccino from Starbucks as you always tell me to do. Can you come get me please. " I left out the alley part I didn't want to worry her

" I can't Ash I'm on break but I only have like 10 minutes left and I've already missed so many days that if I leave for another day I'm sorry friend. I will be terminated. " she says singing the last part

" I understand I just don't know where to go or what to do." I say 

" How about you stay at a hotel for tonight then I'll come and get you tomorrow when I am off work what do you think about that? " 

" Fine I don't have my car with me.. so I'll be walking I guess." I groan

" Oh.." She laughs slightly 

" What happened to my car Emma!"  I yell slightly getting stange looks from a couple customers.

" Well when I couldn't find you last night I drove it home and now it's just parked in the driveway."

" Oh I thought you killed my beloved and hey Emma?"

" I already know what your going to ask well how much do you remember of what happened?"

" Uh I remember us going out to eat with your sister that's all I can really remember right now." 

" Okay go to a hotel get some rest I'll tell you the rest when I pick you up alright?"

" Alright you get back to work I'll probally just knock out once I'm there but you can try and text or call me. Oh and I'll send you the information of the hotel."

"Okay I got to go I'll talk to you later bye Ash Mash. " she snickers

I glare which I know she can't see " Ha Ha Ha bye Emma." I laugh along with her

" Bye friend." And with that the call ended.

 I sigh looking around picking up my drink and left the building. There weren't a lot of places around I continue strolling down the street taking a sip here and there. Then a miracle came and I found a Days Inn. I literally praise that I could lay down and rest.

~ Im ending it here for now just wanted to get it started show everybody what's happening I hope everyone has enjoyed so far (: In the first main part of the story is mainly about Ashlen and her life then we meet Jeff further along in the story. I kinda want to just keep writing but I wanted to stop for a while. I'm craving soup weirdly .-. Haha okay... Good Bye ! (: Sorry I took so long to update :( This is pretty bad GAAH oh well

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