Chapter 6

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 There it was written across my chest, You're Mine. I could barely move the only thing I did feel was the feeling of blood trickling down my chest, I looked up to see Emma running around the room. She finally came up to me, and started to dab a wet cloth on the blood and the wound. Every so often she would mutter something under her breath.

" Hello Pazuzu.." I hear myself say to Emma, but I wasn't the one to say it, As the words came out of my mouth everything felt calm, everything felt soothing. And who the hell is that?

" You dumb bitch where is Ashlen!" I hear Emma yell

Oh is that her name.. Ashlen? Well hello Ashlen." As soon as the voice said that I was back to my body but I couldn't control anything, I could only see out of my eyes. I reached down and ripped everything that was connected to my body. I leaned my head side to side hearing faint cracking sounds. 

" Go fetch my clothes. I'll be leaving now." I feel a grin being shaped on my face.

 It was as if I controlled her movements she turned and left and a nurse walked in.

" Oh ma'am you need to be resting until we can get your papers." She says motioning me back to my bed.

You can take those papers and shove them down your throat." I hear myself growl. There was no time for the woman to even respond. The woman grew deathly pale as she stared into my eyes. I walked towards her she had her mouth open from shock. I tapped my finger on her mouth, I see a purplish liquid being formed and I used both of my hands to close her mouth.

Swallow."  I commanded, as soon as I said that the woman swallowed still looking at me with fear. The next thing I knew the woman was on the ground, she started to shake and her body continued to shake until the woman went limp. I leaned over and picked the woman up her cold body laying in my hands. It's as if I could hear it's thoughts.

 Wow, she was indeed a nice woman .. What was bad is she had breast cancer and by the looks of it she only had at least 4 months, she hasn't done anything terror worthy. Damn I keep getting the nice ones. Well no one is nice but this lady even had a son at home and loving father and by her feelings.. I can see he was having an affair. 

" Disgusting pig." I mutter. And with that she disappears into white.

 Emma walks in with a white shirt and grey sweats, she hasn't even looked at me she just tossed them then left.

Don't you worry little sunshine she'll come around." And with that I felt clothes being put on me. Jeff jumped through the window looking up at me.

" Um are you leaving?' He said looking at the bed then he closed his eyes and looked at the exact spot where the woman had died.

Hello Jeffrey.. How's the family..?" I feel that same grin appear on my face. With that Jeff pushes me up to the wall and holds a knife to my neck. I look at him and see nothing but hatred in his eyes. She brought her hands and pushed Jeff, the next thing I see is Jeff sliding down a wall. There was now a large hole in the wall. I was now laughing and walked up to Jeff picking him up by his collar and raised him in the air. And with that i threw him to the ground with a great amount of strength.

No need for violence Jeffrey. I'm only here to do my job." I say sounding innocent. 

" Who are you?" He spat, now on his feet. He was gripping his knife so tightly that his knuckles were white.

If you must know, I actually have a couple lets start with the one I like to call myself.." I say smiling

" What is it?" He yells, he looks as he is about to charge me, which I think it caught on too because she held her hand up and he was now rammed into the wall. I walk up to him and inch closer to his face.

What did I say about the violence Jeffrey?"  I say coldly, he just looks in my eyes. He raises his knife and stabs me in the stomach which it didn't mind at all, I just pulled the knife out and examined it and snapped it in half. Looking back down the wound was gone but the blood was still there.

" Bitch." He mutters looking away

Now Jeffrey I thought I was introducing myself.. I thought you wanted to know who I was." I say  bringing my hand up to his face and outline the smile on his face. He just glared and moved from my hand.

" Go ahead then." He says still holding his ground

I am your nightmare what you wish to never meet, I take souls and decide where they should go I even kill when I feel the need to see people squirm and beg for there pathetic lives. Some of the mutts in this world, they just purely disgust me. Can you guess who I am..?" I say flicking my hand and Jeff falls to the ground.

" I have a few guesses but why her!' He shouts getting angrier

I'd like to hear them.. and you already know what this girl holds. Strength, power, and you've already seen one of her other abilities, she just needs some training for the other things and I know once that happens she will be a very beautiful toy to play with added on with my powers of course." I closed my eyes and appeared in my hand was his knife.

" See look at this, do you even know everything this girl holds to.. She could even be stronger than you." I feel a smirk appear on my face.

" You didn't answer my question who are you?" He spat, but as the words came out she threw the knife and it hit at least an inch from his head.

If I wanted to I could kill you, but as it already seems you are taking some of the 'muts' from the world."  He looks down and sighs,

" Who are you?" He says calming his voice. With that I let out a maniacal laughter and walk to Jeff and lean over to his ear,

" Me? Well I'll just come out and say it.. You people might refer to me as a Demon.. or even an Angel to some of your religions.. I don't know. But I have a special name I would like to list the many names.. But my favorite.."  I stop and close my eyes, I give a wicked grin.

I am the The Grim Reaper.."

(: Okay Chapter 6! Wow intense... I'm trying to update everyday so expect one tomorrow or tonight if I feel up to it! Okay thanks for reading<3         Bye Cookies^o^

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2013 ⏰

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