Chapter 4

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                                                                                    (っ-●益●)っ ,︵‿

 This morning wasn't exactly great, because I woke up on the bathroom floor which was really cold. Yeah best week ever so far. I no longer had a pain in my side, but when I looked at my side I was confused on how I still had that mark and how it got there. Walking into the kitchen Emma left me a note saying she had to go to work and wouldn't be back until around four. It was nine right now.

 Now I get to be alone all day. I fake a cheer I guess since it's quiet I could use this time to paint. In my paint room was paintings all on the walls. Sitting down I painted the place I was in last night in my dream. How gloomy it was, the moon was the only source of light. I finally finished it was twelve. I had been painting for at least three hours.

 I look in the fridge and get an apple which I cut up and ate in little slices this wasn't a big breakfast but I wasn't hungry. I walk around the house until I finally feel up to going out. I go in my bathroom and slip out of my clothes and turn the shower on I left it kinda cold and stepped in. I probably would have fell asleep if I wouldn't have heard a slight noise coming from my room.

I turned the shower off and stepped on the cool tile and pulled a towel over myself and walk to the door questioning if I should open it. I finally get the courage and turn the knob revealing my room . I step into my room to find everything intact. Everything was fine until I heard the creaking of my bathroom door close. I had barely enough time to turn around when I felt something sharp on my neck.

" Hello.." I hear a deep voice from behind

" Hello." I reply

 He lets out a laugh and that's when I feel it in my hand was a knife. I quickly jab the man in the side and run.

" What the fuck" I hear him confused

 I started to run but he quickly grabbed me and said " Now where did this come from?" He says pulling the knife from my hand. 

' Wow.. Now why does this look like my knife?" He says with a chuckle

 He fakes a gasp and circles me.

" Wait a minute..I remember you. Oh this is so ironic. Funny how I was in the neighborhood." He trails his knife down my bare arm

" What?" I spat immediately regretting it.

 He puts pressure on my arm causing it to bleed. I bit my tongue I'm pretty sure it was bleeding. I wasn't going to scream at least not in front of him. He adds more pressure which I still don't make a noise. That's when he started going down my arm. I finally scream he pulls me in so I can't move and realises his grip on the knife. 

" Now don't you ever speak like that to me again bitch see how easy it is for me to do this!" He says putting the knife to my neck.

 I don't move I keep seeing black then he drops me to the ground

" Where is your phone?" He says calmly. Like he didn't care I was about to die

 " There." I point to the table 

 He grabs the phone and dials 911

" Tell them you were robbed." I nod and he holds the phone to my ear 

" 911 what's your emergency?" I hear the operator say

" I've just been robbed and I was stabbed." I say slurring into the phone

" Okay ma'am whats's your address." 

 I politely give them my address. The man hangs up the phone, I didn't hear what he said because he started kicking things around making a mess trying to make it look like a real scene. I just seen spots and softly laid down I heard the man yell at me and sirens he quickly got up looked down at me and laughed then jumped out of the window until everything went dark and I fell into a calm sleep.

~Jeff The Killer~ Love Story -ON HIATUS-Where stories live. Discover now