Chapter 3

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 I was glad to be back home I loved coming in because I would always made sure the house smelled like vanilla. I slip into the kitchen and start to make some long deserved coffee.

" Already at the coffee Ash?" she laughs

" I believe I deserve it." I scoff laughing back

" Whatever can you make me some?" 

" Yeah oh and by the way you have a lot of things to tell me." My tone serious

" We'll talk over coffee okay?" she answers sticking her tongue out 

" Fine.." 

 I don't know if I should tell her what happened last night I mean it's not like it will happen again. It was plain creepy if I really must say. Why did he go back to my room? He said he wasn't through with me what the hell is that supposed to mean.. Is that why he went back to the room to finish me off? I shudder at the thought. No he was probably some stupid teenage boy getting some laughs. Yeah that's it the things boys do these days.

" Um Ash you've been standing there with a scowl on your face for the past 2 minutes are you okay? She questions

" I'll tell you later." I smile

 The coffee beeps and I grab our mugs and pour in the coffee. I give it to her which she politely says thanks and me replying with a nod. The first minute or so was silent just us sipping at our coffee every now and then. With me breaking the silence.

" So what happened yesterday?" I say with a light laugh

" Well you got a great deal on some of your artwork which you wanted to go out and celebrate. Me, Alexia and you all went to the little bar on west avenue remember that place?

" I do remember continue.." I say staring at my coffee like it's the most interesting thing on Earth.

" Well you had a little more then I thought you did I went to the bathroom and I'm pretty sure the guy at the front told me you asked for at least thirteen shots and took them all." She says laughing

" Worst decision ever." I say rubbing my temple. I still had a faint headache.

" Alexia, said you went crazy when she tried to get you to stop. She said that is when you got up and left. She followed you but there were so many people there that when she got to the front you were nowhere in sight. That's when I came outside and we searched everywhere. You know you were at least two towns over. I don't know how it happened but your skinny legs got you there." She replied with a giggle

" Wow I guess I can tell you but I woke up in an alley." I say grinning on the verge of laughing

  She gives me the weirdest looks then it turns to worry. Yeah this is the Emma I know.

" Why didn't you tell me? Are you hurt?" She says examining my arm and face again

" I'm completely fine I knew you would be worried so I waited until now." I say smiling hoping she doesn't give me a speech

" I know that look Ash it's the don't give me a speech please. I know you too well. Also there isn't really much to say in this kind of situation." She says laughing

" Okay no more I need sleep like right now Em Good Night." I say groaning

" You realize it's 2:30 in the evening right?" She says looking at her phone

" Yes I know and I don't care Good Evening Emma." I say walking to my room.

 Everything was like how I left it, I changed into an old shirt and shorts. I landed on my bed and snuggled into my comforter even my bed had the smell of Vanilla you can never get tired of the smell of Vanilla. And with that I fell into darkness of sleep.

~ Dream Mode~

 I'm running but I don't know what exactly from. I didn't seem afraid more than that I was angry, and before it I stopped running and turned around like I was ready to face my attacker. But there was no one there and before I knew it I was laughing not like a regular laugh something much worse. I continued to look around as if waiting for somebody.

With that a knife was thrown at my back that I easily dodged but still barely scraping my back causing very little pain and faced my attacker I snarled picking up the knife and I giggle.

" Oh how pathetic can't come out and face me." I pick up the knife and snap it in half.

" Don't worry we will meet soon enough, and I enjoyed that knife one of my favorites actually. Ashlen such a powerful being why hasn't this been shown to the world? Please don't act like this either it hurts to see such power go to waste." The mans voice all around me

" I won't become this animal I will not allow it!" I yell

" You act as if you have a choice it will soon overpower you. Go to sleep Ashlen."

 I wake up with a jolt an light pain on my side I get up and walk to the bathroom I lift up my shirt and there it is a light scrape. That must have been there I mean it was just a dream. I lean against my door letting out a couple tears I can't let this thing overpower me I just can't. I made a promise.

~Flashback~                                      ~ She was 3 at the time.~

 Mom and dad where fighting again but tonight was different. I crept out of my room and into the hall and watched my father pull out a gun and point it straight to my mother I closed my eyes and before I knew it I felt cool metal in my hands appears a gun just like the one my father was holding and before he could shoot my mother I did it I shot my father.

 He lay on the floor and my mother running to me telling me she loved me that she was sorry for being a bad mother. I don't know why she was saying sorry she would always be the nice one. My father was the one to abuse me when my mother was gone. She has absolutely nothing to be sorry about.

" Honey you can't let this overcome you I know you can overpower it you will get past this. I can't let this have you promise me?" She says sobing on my shoulder

" I promise mom." I say crying along with her

Police Sirens grew louder and louder my mother picked me up and ran outside. They ruled my dads death as a self defense and that's how everyone will continue knowing. I promised my mother 17 years ago and until this day I have kept it and I will keep that promise.

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