31; gearing up for war.

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this is just a filler, honestly.
its crappy, but bare with me.
totally UNEDITED. i'm sorry beforehand.
so freakin' sorry.

10-11. two days.

"You want Murphy to stay?"

That was the subject of conversation between the leaders of the delinquents. It wasn't as if that they each thought it was a good idea, quite frankly, they al had their doubts of letting in a guy who had sought after a little girl and made her jump to end her life - all because they had innocently blamed him for the death of Wells Jaha. John Murphy was misunderstood, and Quinn had quite frankly understood him enough when they were both in that grounder camp - both tortured in different ways and ran for their lives to get back to their people. 

Clarke shifts on her feet, looking uneasy as her eyes planted on Quinn. "If we keep him here, he has to abide by the rules we have placed here. He can't go on a rampage, nor try to cause fights. We're here to protect each other and prepare for the fight with the grounders. If he can't blend in and help out -"

"He will." Quinn interrupts, her voice demanding. She glances over at Bellamy, "You just got to give him the chance to make things right." Her eyes shift back to Clarke with meaning. "We all do."

At that, the blonde girl looks to Bellamy, she was still a little iffy about it. She couldn't say that she trusted Murphy enough to allow him back into their "home." He had done a lot of damage, both physically and mentally. Causing fights, making people opt out. He was a nuisance, a ticking time bomb - but she also that loose canon in him as she does in Quinn. The only difference, Quinn knew when to shut it down and to not act on it. Thats what made her more trustworthy.

The silence was overwhelming, and Quinn could only look to the entrance of the tent where she knew Murphy was standing nearby with Miller on guard duty. She had made it her issue to make right, maybe it was her new view on the guy since the two got back. He had changed, at least a bit when she's around. And, maybe she's just become an optimist. She was always a pessimist in her times, but since coming here, its like the ground changed her in a more positive way. Yet, she still has that ferocity and cold-heart that has been there since she was put in the sky-box.

"Alright." Bellamy breaks her thoughts apart, and she locks eyes with him. He had his arms crossed and his eyes glance from Clarke to her with a stiff nod. "He gets to stay. But, I still don't trust him. Neither should either of you. He's not to be trusted."

Quinn found a will to hold back the eye roll. "You haven't given him the chance to prove his trust to any of us. He's been out there for weeks. At least give him the benefit of the doubt. He can change. Maybe not in one day, but in time he will."

Clarke smiles. "Then he's under your control." Her eyes were stern, and she didn't give Bellamy the chance to interrupt as she tilts her head at Quinn. "Since you want to prove he is to be trusted, go right ahead. Invite him to stay, but one wrong move and he's gone. You got that?"

"That's all I ask." Quinn shrugs, not affected by the rude tone in Clarke's voice. She gives a wide smile, pushing her hands into her jacket's pockets and backs up to the entrance. "Thank you." Her eyes stuck on Bellamy who was shaking his head briefly. "Both of you."

She notices the hesitance in Bellamy's face, how his eyes darkened, but she spins around on her heel before she could hear any more of it, and steps outside. 

The sound of kids working the walls, and the structure where they are storing food for the winter, Quinn glances around to find the person she was searching for. With a hidden smile she starts over to them, the two barely speaking on kind terms nearest to the small fire that had a young girl cooking food for a few of the kids. 

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