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Chapter One:
• The Reaping •

Grey. Everything is grey.
The floors, the walls, the clothing, and even my eyes.

Most of my life is made up of the color grey. Grey is depressing.

When I walk around the district I always see the same look on everyone's face. It's like they breath grey.

Everyday the sky looks like ashes. However, sometimes I get lucky to get a small peep of the bright blue sky in the cracks of the dark clouds.

Welcome to district five. Also known as the District of Power. Well, in my book I would say... Also known as the District of the color grey.

"Avon. Time to get ready. You don't want to be late sweetheart."

I get up from where I am sitting and walk over to my closet to find a simple yellow dress to wear for today. This day is the day most people have been dreading for the past month. It's reaping day.

I slip into my dress and quickly put my black flats on. I stand in front of my full length mirror and sigh at the sight of my appearance.

"Avon. How is your hair?" My mother asks as she walks into my room.

"My darling you look beautiful." She says as she sees me staring at my reflection. She walks up behind me and fixes the shrivels in my dress. Her dull eyes scan my  hair for any mistakes or any tangles.

"Are you nervous for today?" She asks pinning my hair back. I think for a second.

"No. I don't know. I mean you think I would be over it by now. I'm 14." I sigh.

"I don't think anyone ever gets over the nervousness of this until it's their last reaping. It's okay to be nervous. But, you will be fine. I promise." She says brushing my dress off one last time.

"Mom does this look okay?" Asks my older brother Liam.

Today is his last reaping. I'm so happy for him.

When he was 16 he was reaped but then our older brother Zalock volunteered for him.

At the time, Zalock was 18. It was his last reaping. He was so easy to adore. He was handsome and could make anyone laugh. He got tons of sponsors... But he didn't win the games.

After the games my mother and father just went blank. It's like it hurt them to breath. They slowly and painfully grew out of that.

Liam has felt guilty ever since. We're not like most siblings. We don't argue. We're practically best friends.

"Ravishing." I smile.

"You look so adorable little sis. You nervous?" He asks.

"I think I'm fine. I'm more nervous for you. My name is only put into the reaping 3 times."

That's the thing about Liam. It's his last reaping, but I'm not so sure he will make it out Hunger Games free. He was put into the reaping eighty four times this year.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be okay."

"Kids. Let's go. We wouldn't want to be late." Says my father barging into the room.


"Ouch!" I screech as they prick my finger. God you never get used to that.

The woman that pricked me slapped a band aid on my finger and then I was escorted by a peace keeper to where I have to stand.

Soon after everyone is put crowded around the justice building the same old video begins to play.

"Blah. Blah. Blah. Panem this. Panem that." Is all I hear.

I've completely memorized the video and I just wasn't in the mood for listening to it today.

Once I hear the video stop and everything fall silent, I look on the stage to hear heels clicking.
Of course, none other than Effie Trinket herself.

"Welcome, district five. It's so gracious to be here again. Now, this year we are trying something a little different for the 73rd annual Hunger Games." She says then pauses for a moment.

"This year the boys are getting drawn first. So, let's get on with it." She says in her fake Capitol voice. The sound of it makes my ears bleed and it makes my skin crawl.

She walks over to the glass bowl and sticks her hand around in there. It's like she knows the names and she is looking for a specific one. Then she grabs a small slip of paper and walks back over to the podium. She unfolds the paper to reveal a name. I cross my fingers for luck. I hope that it's not Liam.

"This years male tribute from district five is...

Vasco Mosara."

I know him. He's one of the best careers in five. He walks out of the huge crowd and on to the stage with White Face Trinket.

"Now for the ladies." She says as she walks over to the women's glass bowl.

She sticks her hand into the top of the bowl procrastinating what to choose. Then she finally picks one.

She walks over to the podium, opens it, and reads out the name I was wishing to never hear come out of her mouth.


In His EyesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant