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Avon's POV:

Everything is dark. My eyes won't open. I've been trying to forcefully open them for the past thirty seconds.

My hands feel weighed down and I start to move and kick.

"Shhhh. It's okay sweetheart. Your eyes have just been closed for a couple of days so it's hard to open them." Says a familiar voice.


"Why are my hands tied?" I ask.

"They were removing your tracker and didn't know if you would wake up during the operation so they put your hands in restraints." He says while taking them off of me.

I take my hands and open my eyes with them. I hiss from the bright sign shining in my eyes.

"Wait what happened? How am I here?"

"After the games the arena started to disappear into thin air. The tree you were in disappeared and you fell to the ground. You were instantly knocked out."

"I won?" I ask. I must've forgotten.

"You did kid. Don't ask me how because I'm still wondering about that too but-"

I interrupt him bye hugging him tightly.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"Here come on. You must be starving." He smiles.

I walk out of the room behind him and into the kitchen. This is the same place I stayed in before the games. It's the pent house.

"AGHHH. My beautiful little winner!" Squeals Effie.

I can't even describe how good it feels to hear her voice again. It feels like I'm safe. It's actually comforting.

She walks over to me, big hair and all, and gives me a hug.

"It's so good to see you." I smile.

"Here you must be starving." She smiles.

I sit down at the table and eat some food. All of the food is amazing but it's too fancy for my taste.

"So what now?" I ask.

"Well, you will have an interview with Caesar, a party in your honor, and you will go on a victory tour." Says Effie.

"Can I go home?" I ask.

"As soon as this is all over you can." Says Haymitch.

"Why do I have to do all of this stuff? I don't want to be honored. I just want to go home, see my family..." I trail off.

"She has a point." Says a voice coming out of no where.

I turn my back and I see the one and only Finnick Odair. 

"Hi." He smiles softly. I smile back at him.

He walks over to the seat beside me and sits down.

"That is true. I mean the victory tour doesn't even start until next year. What is the point of having her stay here for an interview and a party she doesn't even want to attend?" Haymitch says.

Effie objects and they get into an argument.

"How long do you think this will go on?" Finnick laughs in my ear.

"Probably till the end of time." I roll my eyes.

They walk out into the hall still arguing and leave Finnick and I here alone.

"I was scared. Scared that you weren't going to win.." He says looking down at his lap.

"Why? Why would you be scared?" I ask.

"Because, I don't know. I didn't want you to get hurt. It wasn't right." He says.

I slump in my chair...

"Finnick, I was put in the reaping more than two times wasn't I?" I ask.

He nods his head.

"They tested my-"

"Intelligence, I know." He sighs. "The Capitol is scared of you. It's like you are a loaded weapon and you're among right at them."

"They are scared of me because I'm smart?" I ask.


"They're scared of you because they think you are going to be the leader of a rebellion one day.."

In His EyesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant