Chapter 3

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          "AHHHHHHH," I was shaking when I woke up and I don't even remember what I was dreaming. I was in the bathroom again and it was only six in the morning. I made sure I was decent and went down stairs to the kitchen. Mother was passed out and stunk of Vodka. I started our coffee maker and went back to my room. It was a Saturday and I had no where to be at six. I fixed my coffee grabbed my cigarettes and went to my rooftop. I watched the sun light up the sky. I braided my blonde hair in pigtails and I had on my black Nirvana hoodie and black shorts. I finished my coffee and went back inside. I started blasting Three Day's Grace and I was singing along when there was a knock at the door. Mom was still passed out so I went to answer it."Who is here at seven in the damn morning?" I yelled. I opened the door and it was my friend Princeton. We haven't talked in a long time. I wanted to date him so much and he just wanted to be friends with benefits so we never worked out. We stopped talking so I didn't get hurt. He leaned down hugged my waist and picked me up."How have you been?" He put me down and came inside. He was at least a foot taller then me. "Hey loser long time no talk. It's great to see you." We went to my room where he sat on my bed and I sat in my chair with my legs folded under me. "Wow I forgot how pretty you are." He said smiling at me. "Oh please."I rolled my eyes. He got up and came to my chair. I looked up and he put his arms on both sides of me. He leaned down and kissed me softly."I really have missed you" He said pulling away."I'm calling bullshit. I never meant much to you. I've accepted that." I said with a bittersweet smile on my face. He leaned down to kiss me but that time his hand slipped and it hit one of the newly made cuts. "Shit!" I exclaimed. He looked worried. "What?" "Nothing don't worry about it. However it's time for you to go. We're not going through this again." I pushed him out the door while holding my arm. I sagged against the door and closed my eyes. 

          Casper: Hey I'm here. Come get me! I woke up to that text. I didn't even know I fell asleep. JAZ: I'm on my way. I fell asleep again, see you soon. I jumped in my car without changing and left to go get Casper from the airport. I opened the door and went inside to tell her that I was here. I saw her before she saw me and I ran up to her almost tackled her. "Hey you" She says turning around and smiling at me. "Hey. Car's out front." She put her arm around my shoulder and we walked out together."I like the new car." I looked up and smiled from across the car. "Thanks and don't worry I'm a safe driver." I smirked and got in. I turned my music on and started driving home.

          We got home and I decided that I didn't want her in my house with my mother. "Hey you stay here I'll go get changed and we'll go do something." I ran to my house not giving her time to change her mind. My phone started ringing. "Hello?" I said pulling on black skinny jeans with rips going up the legs."Hey love I was about to tell you before you took off that I have to get home to surprise mom." She chuckled slightly. "Oh okay that's cool. I'll be out in a minute." I hung up the phone and sat down. I was so excited to see her that I didn't think she had other places to be. I walked down the stairs and towards the door seeing mother past out on the couch her pills in front of her on the table. I sighed knowing she was heading down a bad road. I grabbed a couple and swallowed them. I knew I wasn't far behind her. I opened the door and got to my car opening the passengers side. "You drive. I might fall asleep and if it was just me in the car I wouldn't care but I'm not putting your life in danger." She looked at me but didn't questioned me. I sat down and leaned my head against the window feeling her gaze on me but not able to meet it. "You okay?" I looked over and half ass smiled. "Of course love just tired. Hurry up and get home." She put the car in drive and we didn't talk the rest of the time. 

          "Please stay. You're apparently really tired and I don't want you driving home and falling asleep behind the wheel." I was sitting in the drivers seat trying to close my door but a Casper was standing in my way begging me to reconsider. "No way, I'm not interrupting your visit home. I'll text you when I get home." She looked worried but moved away from the door anyways. I closed the door smiled and pulled out. Driving was easy it was keeping my eyes open that was difficult. I probably should've pulled over and if their was other cars I would have but when I didn't care about my own life I tend to do reckless things. I got home fine though and texted Casper telling her I was going to bed and that we'd talk later. I laid down and had a dreamless sleep, but woke up to the sound of gun shots and breaking glass. Shit! I crawled towards my window leaning up only enough to see out it and figure out who the crazy person with a gun was. I saw his car before I saw him. It was Al and he was pissed that I had made a great escape from his trap. I ran down the stairs to check on the women that was pasted out on the couch. She was right where I left her. That's when I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I went to feel her pulse and luckily there was a pulse a weak one but still there was a pulse. I called 911 but not on Al just to get mom help. "911 what is your emergency?" The cheery voice said on the other line. "I think my mom's dying." I gave them our address and hoped they'd be here before it was to late to save yet another parent. This one however would be my fault completely. I drove her and was there with her. I sat and drew my knees to my chest knowing one way or another I probably wouldn't see her again. 


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