Chapter 5

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          My phone went off. I looked and the caller I.D showed that it was Katie. "Hello?" It was silent for a couple of seconds that seemed like forever. "I honestly was just checking that you weren't dead. I'm still really pissed at you. I'll call you when I calm down. Don't do anything stupid." She hung up. I got in my car after standing at the bus stop in the rain and cold for ten minutes after the bus and left. It was going onto 8:30 and I knew I had to go to the hospital and see mother and the social worker. I walked back to the car and decided to play Hollywood Undead. I pulled out of the parking space and headed towards my future. 

          I got to her room and there was a young blonde in a suit sitting in the chair near the window. "I'm guessing you're the social worker put in this case?" I said with my natural unemotional face. "Yes and I'm guessing you're the daughter who didn't seem worried enough to come with your mother to the hospital? At least that's how I took it." I stared at her and saw the icy glare." I had something to do. She made her decision and there was nothing that me going to the hospital would do to change that. Let's be real" I met her own stare with a matching one of mine. "You know you're not living with her anymore right?" She said that and waited for a shocked expression that never came. "Yeah I figured that much however I've thought about it and I want to be emancipated." I stared her and challenged her to say anything other then okay. She stared me in the eyes,"I'll see what I can do." She pushed past me and headed towards the door. She stopped,"Maybe you had a very good opportunity and you took. I honestly believe that you had some part in this. What'd she do to make you hate her so much?" She only turned enough to hear me not even look at me."How about  you go fuck off? I turn 18 in two weeks so either you help me with emancipation or put me in foster care and I'll stick it out. Your choice, but my mind's made up and I doubt I'll be talking to you much after this " She waited a second no doubt letting it all settle in and she walked out the door slamming it to add to the dramatic exit. Waking mom up in the process. 

          "Hey mom. How are you feeling?" I said standing above her. She took a minute to realize who I was." Jaz, why are you here?" I felt annoyed but I wasn't going to show it, not while she was laying here. Maybe she wouldn't be so hateful. "I wanted to check on you. I also had to talk to the social worker who by the way believes this is my fault. I guess she has it in her head that I drugged you hoping you'd die."Mom looked me right in the eyes and we had uncomfortable silence. "You hate me don't you? You're leaving me aren't you?" She started crying and her heart monitor started beeping fast. She started spazzing out."YOU CAN'T WAIT TO GET AWAY FROM ME!" She was yelling at me now and the monitor was going crazy. There was so much noise. The nurses and doctors came running in and she was still yelling. I was already backing out of the room and I was blocking her out. I didn't know what she was saying just that she hated me and that I was a little shit. There was so much commotion that I slipped out unnoticed. I started running down the hallways to get out and away. I was near the doors and I slowed down and that's when I saw her. The social worker smiling and standing just around the corner. "You won't get anywhere if I have anything to do with it." I flipped her off. "I don't need you or anyone else. Fuck off lady you don't know shit." She smiled but it wasn;t pretty it was twisted. I ran for my car and sat there. Until I put in reverse and got the hell out of there.

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