5 [Stripped]

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"You know, the school library isn't exactly the greatest place to vent out any type of emotions..." Marcia says behind me, looking at the shelves of books, "Unless you're into that... BDSM type of sh*t."

The librarian gave us a very dirty look from her desk. Marci covered her mouth, trying not to smile.

"Oops, sorry. Shh..."

I chuckle, shaking my head. The school's library isn't that special to me either, but it's a way of me getting away from the rest of the people on campus. Surprisingly, nobody goes to the library unless they have to. I, on the other hand, actually like to read some of the books offered here. Being in another world sounds pretty awesome right now.

I look at the numerous books sitting on the shelves, running my fingertips on the spine. I grew up surrounded by books and knowledge, so a lot of the books in school were books I already read. A lot of the books in the library were old too. Some citing back to the 18th century. But then there were the news ones too, which where Marci and I are currently at right now.

The library was it's own building. I never really thought about it that way. I always thought college libraries would actually be inside the school itself but I guess not. The way things were built and laid out, the library kind of reminds me of a church. I mean they got the burgundy and black checkered flooring and a dome so...

"Hey, I sported Neilson Black earlier today," Marci said, making me gasp. "He seems like a really nice dude,"

I look around to see if anyone was staring at us, "Oh yeah? What's he like?" I ask her softly, grabbing a book from the shelf.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer...

"Ugh, he is so gorgeous. Like Channing Tatum gorgeous. And he's really buff. He works at a surf shop near the beach, he models, and he already graduated college—"

"In what?"



"Shh!" the people at the tables spoke to us.

Rude... and how convenient.

When I first came to California, I thought the guys here would be smart as crap but they all want to do the same thing and it's really bothering me. Why can't a guy major in something more practical? Like being a pharmacist, or an engineer, or maybe going into the military for all I care.

"You know, let's not talk about guys for a second, Marci," I sigh, putting the book back where I took it.

She shook her head, "Nuh-uh, nope. I wanna ask you something about Caiden Homer,"

I groan, covering my face with my palms, "Not this again, Marci..."

"Did you at least get his number?"

"Why do you care so much?" I chuckle, then turned around to walk.

She followed me behind, "Because! Even though I said he wasn't good for you, I never said he's not good for me,"

I whipped around, surprised, "Oh my... Is Marcia having a little crush on the school's star?"

Her lips formed into a goofy smile, and her cheeks began to turn red.

Aw, Marci never had a crush on a guy before. She's usually very open about herself to all the guys but I guess this one she really wants to get with.

"Let's change the subject," she chuckles nervously.

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