13 : [ Secrets ]

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The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born, must first destroy a world


A few nights had passed since I transferred to the Night Class, mostly filled with me studying in order to keep up with the things they learned in the Night Class. However, recently, we received news that we'd be having a new substitute Ethics teacher tonight.

I watched with cautious eyes as our new teacher entered the room. A vampire hunter. Clearly, it had put all the vampires in the classroom on edge.

He spoke with a deep voice, full of authority, "Starting today, I'll be teaching you Ethics. My name is Yagari Toga. I'm looking forward to teaching you, vampires."

Uninterested, I rested my head on my palm and stared out the window. Suddenly, I felt his attention turn to me.

"And ghoul."

At the sound of the word, I turned to look at him. He was definitely fast at figuring things out.

"You," He called out to me, "You should be thankful I'm not giving your location out to the CCG's ghoul investigators, considering the things you've done in the past. Isn't that right, Centipede?"

Clenching my teeth, I held my tongue back from saying anything at the nickname the CCG had given me, but he wasn't finished talking.

"Or the location of your other ghoul friend that you've been meeting up with recently here. What was his name again...? Touyu...? No, Touma? Touya?"


Unconsciously, I crushed the pencil that I was holding in my hand earlier in anger, letting the tiny pieces fall to the ground.

-How did he...?!-

Glaring, I shot back at him, "Hm, I didn't know that vampire hunters and the CCG worked together."

He smirked, "You could say that we're acquainted."

From the opposite side of the room, Ruka spoke up, "Yagari Toga. Isn't that the same name as the man that the vampire hunters recognize to be the number one hunter?"

"So the gunfire from last night was from him then," Aido confirmed, referring to the gunfire our class had heard last night, which I had nearly forgotten about.

"Be at ease, you lot," Yagari replied, "Today, I am simply your teacher with a teaching license."

Kaname, who was still flipping through pages in a book, retorted, "Are you spying on the Night Class then? Is there someone who's on your execution list here, Yagari-sensei?"

Yagari smirked, "No, unfortunately that list is currently empty, but if you find the lecture boring and fall asleep, I wouldn't mind adding your name to the list, Kaname Kuran-kun."

Immediately, Ruka and Aido tensed, "What did you say to Kaname-sama?!"

-Man, they're exactly like Kaname's oversensitive guard dogs that bark even though there's nothing to bark at.-

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