04: [ The Real Monsters ]

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Be careful of the monsters that don't look like monsters at all


Once I heard the squeal, I tensed. As the chatter became louder and more voices joined in, I ducked down and listened carefully.

-Aw, I guess it was a bad idea to go out tonight.-

"A-Aido-senpai!" That was the voice I heard earlier.

"Kain-senpai!" There's another girl as well.

Faintly, there was a scent of blood coming from the first girl. Grunting, I raised my hand to my left eye and tried my best to control my breathing. I turned around, peeking slightly from the tree.

There was Aido and Kain, and surprisingly Yuuki as well, along with the two Day Class students. As expected, one of the Day Class students seemed to have scratched her knee.

-So that's where the scent is coming from.-

However, the situation appeared quite complicated. Yuuki was holding a... metal rod that Kain had caught on the other end.

"There's no need for the fuss." Aido stepped in."We just came here because we thought we smelled blood. You're so mean to us, Yuuki."


"You know, something smells nice." He closed his eyes and tilted his face up, as if he was breathing in a scent.

I narrowed my eyes, straining them to as close as I can see.

-I don't like this guy. On top of being a snob, there's something weird about him.-

"AWW! He said we smell good!" Again, it was those Day Class students squealing.

Aido grabbed the metal rod, and for some reason it seemed to have burned him slightly. He put his hand on top of Yuuki's and I could tell that she flinched back. Aido's eyes turned a glowing shade of red and I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from gasping.

-What have I gotten myself into?-

As he leaned in closer to Yuuki's hand, I noticed that she did scratch her hand as well. He opened his mouth and visible fangs were protuding out.

"Are those fangs?! He's a vampire!" The students screamed. It's ironic how they were squealing in admiration a few moments ago.

-A vampire...?-

Just as the tip of his fangs pierced Yuuki's palm, I whirled around, grabbed a nearby branch that fell and swiftly threw it between Aido and Yuuki. The branch flew right in the middle of them and almost knocked Aido's teeth off before it impaled a tree beside them. Immediately, all eyes were on me as I stood up with my cream colored nightgown and my hand forward from throwing the branch. Fortunately, my hand covered my left eye.

-This is so embarassing.-

a/n: I'm backkk, after a very long time. I'm so sorry for promising to update but not actually doing it. Thanks to all of you who read this despite of the lack of updates. I have a new chapter for The Red Reaper fully done, but when I try to publish it, it tells me I have to insert story text for some reason, so I might have to rewrite the chapter. I hope this chapter was satisfying enough :)
Oh, I also have a Vampire Knight fic that I uploaded on fanfiction.net a long time ago. I was wondering if I should publish it here too. Should I?

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