03: [ Evening Walks in the Darkness ]

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Weren't you lonesome? All by yourself


It was the 4th day of my second week in Cross Academy, and I still didn't get any sleep. Staying in the small room with my roommate comfortably snoring and no access to going outside was quite frustrating after a while. Of course, I could always jump out the window. Being a ghoul had advantages that include speed, strength and regeneration. The problem was that I haven't fed for the week and a half that I've been here so my reflexes aren't the best.

I set my phone down on the bedside table and stared at the dark ceiling in silence. I never knew it could get this boring.

-That's it. I'm jumping out.-

I mean, it'll only be for while.

I stood up to and set my foot on the windowsill before taking one last glance to check on my roommate. I waited for her snore and then jumped out the window. Using my hand, I swung out a nearby branch and landed safely. A part of my hand got scraped, but being a ghoul, it closed up almost immediately.

I breathed in a gasp of the fresh and cooling evening breeze. I felt satisfied being able to go outside, but I was struck with the thought of the Disciplinary Committee catching me out here.

-It's fine, they might let me off. After all, I'm friends with Yuuki.-

It was typical to reassure myself in a risky situation but screw it, who cares.

I scrunched my toes up in the extra sandals that I had in my closet before starting to walk around the school. There was a small area that surrounded the dorms with trees and I made sure to stay in that area to avoid getting caught.

-I wonder... if there are any other ghouls in the academy. So far I haven't smelled any or saw any.-

I walked around the small area and stared at the moon for several minutes in my cream colored nightgown and eventually got bored. Huffing, I sat down on the base of a nearby tree and crossed my arms lazilly.

-Even when I'm outside it's still boring...-

For a moment, I started to feel sleepy and my eyes began to droop. Without my own realization, my eyes closed for a second and the memories engulfed me. Almost immediately, I woke up with a quiet gasp. Even with the nightmares that cause my insomnia, I don't get obvious dark circles under my eyes thanks to the regeneration powers of being a ghoul.

As I was about to stand up to head back to my dorm room, I heard muffling chatter quite nearby, followed by a squeal and "Aido-senpai!!!"

I froze.

Oh shit.

a/n: sorry for the short chapter! I've already started writing on the next chapter so I hope you look forward to that :)

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