Chapter 1 The Confrontation

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Kayley's POV

My fist went flying and crashed into his jaw. The crowd cheered loudly and I smirked. He stumbled back and I advanced on him. He put his hands up to protect his face as I threw punches at him non stop. He tried lashing out with his legs but I just kicked his shin. He hissed in pain, momentarily dropping his guard. This was my chance. With one swift motion my knuckles connected with his nose. He stumbled a bit before dropping to the ground, moaning in pain. The crowd went wild and I flashed them my famous grin before walking out of the arena.

Jade quickly ran up to me, handing me water and taking me 'backstage'. His bright blue eyes shone and his dirty blonde hair was perfectly styled. "That was awesome. One of your best wins by far," he told me. I smiled. "He just didn't have any technique. He thought his strength would beat my skills," I explained to him. "You knocked him down in less than 20 seconds," he gushed staring at me in awe and I smiled. My smile dropped as I heard a gunshot coming from the front entrance.

I leapt up, putting on a mask as I ran out to see what was happening. I fastened the mask around my face. I was wearing it because I didn't want anyone to find out who I really was. I got back into the arena. The crowd was scrambling about, trying to get away from the danger. Suddenly more gunshots were heard. Some people screamed others fainted but I just stood there trying to see who was causing this. The crowd finally scrambled away enough for me to see what was happening. I gasped. It looked like a gang had infiltrated our underground stadium.

I growled and pushed past the people. As I was making my way towards the group leader I felt a hand grip onto my arm. My head whipped around, looking straight into the sea blue eyes of Jade. "Don't do it," he growled fiercely but me, being the rebel I was, didn't listen to him. I yanked my arm away from him and marched up to the gang. The leader saw me coming and instantly smirked. I growled in annoyance. "What the fuck do you want!? I demanded, standing right in front of him. I noticed him grin and point the gun at me. I didn't flinch, he didn't scare me. "Ohh fiesty, I like it," he said earning chuckles from his gang members. I sent them all death glares and they shut up. "Answer the goddamn question!" I snapped back. "I want Chase Taylor to come out of hiding and face me like a man," his voice boomed through the stadium.

He looked down at me and smirked. "Chase, get the fuck here right now or I'm gonna kill you," I yelled. I turned around to glare at the crowd. Suddenly they started parting. When they finished I saw a terrified looking Chase shuffling towards me. "Why do you want him?" I asked as Chase slowly made his way to us. "I'm gonna tell you because you're hot, but he betrayed me and now he has to pay," his voice was dripping with venom by the time he had finished speaking. I finally heard Chase stop shuffling, I could feel his presence behind me. I swiftly stepped sideways, grabbed his arms and threw him to the group leader who gripped onto his arm tightly. "Thanks, we'll just be leaving now. See ya round hottie," the group leader said before turning to walk out the door, winking at me just as he left. Suddenly I felt someone's eyes boring into me. I looked at the gang, finally noticing the dark brown eyes staring intently at me. My breath hitched as I looked at the guy staring at me. It was my old time friend. Connor Williams.

I watched as he finally turned around and left with the gang. My eyes lingered on the last spot I saw him in before I snapped out of my daze. I turned to look at the crowd. I noticed that they were all staring at me. "Get your fucking eyes off of me and continue with your business!" I screamed at them. Everyones eyes widened and they all spun around, looking back at the arena. Everyone except for Jade, he just stood there, glaring at me. I honestly didn't have time to speak to him so I turned on my heel and ran out of the stadium. I had to process what just happened.

I bolted up the stairs, eventually getting to the top. I sucked in the fresh air and sighed. I turned left and ran towards the beach. It took me about 5 minutes to get there since the underground stadium was so close to the beach. The sea air hit me and I coughed a little bit. It was quite windy today, causing the sand to fly everywhere, including onto my body. I hissed in pain. It felt like I was being stabbed with a thousand tiny little needles. I ran into the waveless water. As soon as my feet connected with the water, cold shivers ran up my spine. I leapt into the water, swimming to the left. I kept swimming for about 15 more minutes before I finally found my special place. No one else knew where this was except me. I climbed up onto the pointy rocks sticking out of the water. I jumped onto each one, finally making it to the bottom of the cliff. I sat down on the large flat rock, listening to the sound of the water hitting the rocks. It wasn't very loud since there were no waves but it was soothing nontheless.

I sighed and lay on my back, looking up at the sparkling stars. School was starting soon, in about 3 days. I wasn't happy about that. Was that really Connor back at the stadium? I asked myself. If it was, I wonder if he goes to the same school I'm gonna be going to. I sighed again and let my eyelids close. The thoughts rushing through my head vanished as I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

I woke to the sound of a male voice. I scrambled up. How long had I been asleep for? I leapt onto another rock, hiding behind the other large rock that was almost connected to it. "Who the fuck was that?" I heard the voice ask. I heard something growl in response. He sounded like he was getting closer. "She just confronted my boss, no one has ever done that before," he said and my eyes widened as I realised that he was talking about me. He must have been one of the gang members, but which one? I suddenly heard a bark. I tensed. It only sounded to be about 15 metres away. "What is it boy?" The guy asked. His dog barked again and I heard a splash. The dog had jumped into the water and was heading my way.

I silently gasped. What do I do? I thought to myself. I quickly but quietly slipped into the water. I swam to each rock, taking cover as I got to them but I could hear the dog getting closer. I was almost on the other side of the cliff where there was land. The dog was too close now. I leapt onto one of the rocks, stealing a glance at the dog and the guy before leaping onto another rock and finally onto land. I sprinted away, hoping that the guy didn't see me.

Hey guys. So this is a new book I'm starting and I hope everyone likes it. It took me a while to finish this chapter but I hope its ok. There will be plenty more chapters to come. Oh and if you see that I have spelt something wrong or have used incorrect grammar just mention it to me and I will fix it up. By the way there may be POV's from a few different people so I hope you don't mind that. Also there is no point in being rude or judgemental in the comments because that will not affect me in the slightest. Lastly I notice how some authors stop writing because they dont have enough people reading but I will never do that because I love the satisfaction of completeling a book. I hope you liked the first chapter it was so much fun to write. Thanks for reading. Bye fellow llamas.

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