Ch 3. Part 2

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I stood up and if looks could kill, Mahiro would have been stabbed in any possible part of his body.

"So You're my new 'master' huh?" I asked putting air quotes around that word. His face was still expressionless. "I suppose." He answered, sounding like a robot. Well, I shouldn't be surprised. Vampires have no emotion.

"Alright here's the deal. I am not livestock! I am a human! And I refuse to be owned by someone by you! Whatever you say, I hate you and your kind, you effing bloodsucker!" I shouted.

"If you don't want to be called a livestock, I suggest you tell me your name," he said. I squinted at him. Was that curiosity I detected in his voice? Did he really want to know?

"Yu-" I started. His eyes widened and I thought I saw disbelief, longing, and maybe love on his face. "Kine," I finished. There was no way in hell I would tell him my real name.

"I see." I looked up at him. It was back to robot-like. "Is it ok that I call you Yu?"

I laughed. "You need to ask your servant's permission?"

Mahiro sighed in irritation. "You said that not to treat you like a livestock. Honestly what do you want?"

This boy surprised me. I answered, "nothing in particular. Yeah sure, you can call me Yu, Mahiro-sama."

"Drop the sama," he said, a smile playing at his lips. "Oh and join me for lunch at 1:00, I'll come and pick you up."

I nodded, and he left. Did I just make a new friend? WHO WAS A VAMPIRE?!

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