Hospitals, Throwing Up, and Cars...Ugh can my life get any better

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*I do not own Haunting in Conneticut. It belongs to the people who lived through it and the people who wrote the script for the movie. =) I only own Amy!!*

A/N >>> I've started writing some more to this story and it isn't in the same format as the first two parts of this story. I might go back when I have time and rewrite the first two to fit the rest of the story but for now, please bare with me :) it gets better I promise.

*Sara's Car at night*

A worried Sara Campbell drives at night. In the back seat, her son Matt, who is 16 though the cancer and the treatment conspire to make him seem much older. While Amy, also 16, is sitting in the back, leaning against the door. So tired that she can barely keep my eyes open but she manages. Sara looks at Matt in the rear view mirror and sees him lying in the backseat, sleeping. Then she looks at Amy and see's her giving a lazy smile. Suddenly Amy feels vomit coming up.

"Pull over!" Amy says with a hand covering her mouth, urgently. Sara immediately pulls the car over to the side and Amy could barely hop out the door and puked up the contents of her stomach that had only been there a while. A mother’s worry showed in Sara's eyes as she kept her eyes focused on the road while images mix and melt with rain on the windshield in front of her eyes.

"X-rays. MRI. Body scan. PET Scan. CAT scan. Medical graphics and needles. Inside claustrophobic machine interiors. Needles draw blood. Blood cells seen through a microscope."

The works. The diagnostic hell that brought them here. Doctor's and their authoritative voices all merge in Sara's head.

"Six months maybe less./Experimental treatment./No guarantee./Waiting lists./She has an unknown illness./Nothing I can do except give her antibiotics/Nothing in New York. Can you get to Connecticut?"

*Back to the present on the interstate*

The car passes a sign announcing that they have just left Connecticut and entered New York. Sara whispers a hushed prayer.

"Please God. Let it work. Please." She whispers to herself as Matt suddenly sits up behind her.

"Talking to yourself? You know what they say, first sign of losing it." He says while Amy smiles and presses her burning forehead against the cold window. Hating the smell of vomit on her breath.

"I wasn’t talking to myself. I was talking to God." Sara says smiling at Matt.

"I think that’s the second." Amy says with a little smirk on her pale face.

"I thanked him for giving me you. And for bringing Amy to us." Sara says as she glances at them both through the rearview mirror and giving them a motherly smile. Suddenly, Matt puts his hand over his mouth.

"Pull over Mom. I’m gonna be sick." He says as his other hand covers his stomach, trying to hold it in.

"Very funny." Sara says, thinking that he is messing around with her like before.

"It’s the chemo. I’m really gonna be-" Matt starts but she pulls over. He immediatley opens the door and get out a bit before he can't hold it anymore. Sara turns instinctively to help once she hears him but Matt cuts her off as she is turning around. "Mom - don’t look. I’m OK." he says before throwing up again. She winces with every retch coming from him and finally, Matt comes back in.

"Feel better?" Sara asks as soon as he buckles himself in. When Matt nods, Sara knows that he’s lying but lets it go as she starts the car moving and looks back to see Amy soundlessly sleeping.


Sara makes breakfast as her husband Peter, 40, walks in from the bedroom, plastering an unruly boyish smile on his face contrasting the worry and age in his eyes. He’s off to work.

"Morning, babe. I didn’t hear you come in. When did you get home?" He says as he kisses his wife on the cheek.

"About 4." Sara says as she looks up at him sleepily.

"I know it’s two hundred miles, but how did that take you eight hours?" He says with a surprised look on his face as he grabs a piece of toast.

"Do you really want to know how many times we stopped so they could vomit?" She says while rolling her eyes as she continues making the scrambled eggs.

"Oh, man. How are they now?" Peter says as he rubs a hand over his face.

"They're okay now. He’s asleep. She's eating some soup, trying to be strong." Sara says as she looks toward the living room as she finishes her sentence. And see's Amy slowly finishing up her soup. 

"Lemme get breakfast. You go to bed." He says as he tries to take the fresh plate of eggs from her.

"No it’s alright - I’m still wired from driving - and Wendy’s helping." She says as she sets the plate down on the table. Wendy, Sara’s 17 year old niece, enters trailing the sounds of kids behind her. "Thanks, Wendy. Sorry for the chaos." Sara says as she looks over a Wendy with a tired smile.

"It’s better than my house." Wendy says returning the smile.

"My sister loves your daddy, they just have funny ways of showing it." Sara tries to explain to her.

"I knew love was a four letter word, just not those four letter words." Wendy says with a sarcastic smile.

"Take these pancakes in to the hungry hordes." Sara says with a small smile as she hands the plate to her.

Wendy leaves the room, and through the open door, two younger kids sit at the table. A bleary and pale faced Matt stumbles out of a bedroom. And a very tired Amy barely walks towards the kitchen holding her empty bowl.

"It’s not good. One of these nights you’re gonna drive off the road you’ll be so tired." Peter says in concern.

"I wish we could just move there. Just for the summer, until -" Sara starts to say as Matt, Wendy, and Amy open the kitchen door.

"And in the meantime what? Pay mortgage and a rent? Every penny we got is in the damn store. When we bought the franchise we didn’t plan-" Peter starts to say, not noticing them walking in.

"Nobody plans to have a child get cancer and get girl who has an illness nobody has even heard about." Sara says getting frustrated as Matt and wendy exhange embarrassed glances and step back, not wanting to hear them fight about Matt and Amy while Amy looks guilty as shse walks away.

"You know that’s not what I meant." Peter says to his wife as he pulls her into a hug, not noticing that the children heard their little argument.

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