Anything else is just imagination...

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*I do not own Haunting in Connecticut. It belongs to the people who lived through it and the people who wrote the movie. I only own Amy.*


"And you don’t mind children?" She questions as they walk in.

"Where would we be without them? On a cold empty rock." he says as suddenly a rumbling, groaning clanking sound comes throughout the house. "Old houses are like old stomachs. They make a lot of noise."

"It’s everything we need. And then some. It’s beautiful, spacious, affordable. I mean, it’s too good to be true. So what’s the catch?" Sara says as she turns to him.

"The catch? Yes, well it does have a somewhat peculiar history..." He says softly as he breaks the news.

~End Recap~

 *Third Person*

Sara goes to a phone booth outside of the hospital to call Peter, her husband, once she gets back from looking at the houses and waits for Amy and Matt to finish up.

"I saw one that was almost perfect but... it just wasn't quite right."

*Sara, Amy, and Matt are in the car headed home from the hospital (Third Person)*

On the long drive back to their house, Amy looks at Matt and Amy in the rear view mirror.

"They say you might have some body ache, but no nausea." She says softly, glancing at Matt before looking back at the road.

"Better than me. I have body aches and nausea at the same damn time." Amy says through clenched teeth to Matt before looking towards the front at Sara. "Excuse my language." she said laughing a little bit before stopping when her stomach churns and her body starts to ache once again. Matt gives her a small smile.

"Doctor says to the patient; I got bad news. You've got cancer, and you've got Alzheimer's. Patient says 'Whew, least I don't have cancer.'" Matt says through his teeth trying to lighten the mood. Sara laughs trying not to cry. As each tiny bump sends paroxysm of pain through Matt and Amy's bodies. Amy whimpers and tries to push through the pain from the medicine taking affect. Matt sends a pained smile towards Amy. "At least I don't have nausea." He says with a lazy wink towards Amy and puts on a brave face, but his groans can't be stifled.

"Lucky you." Amy says as she throws him a weak smile, but her green eyes show it all. Every bump in the road sends shockwaves of pain through their young bodies. Sara steals glances in the rear view mirror at them and it tears at her heart. She turns the car around and heads back the way they came...


*Back at the house Sara looked at before*

Mr. Singh stands out front with Sara, near her car. He has brought a big mattress, two sleeping bags, a portable TV and even some take-away food. He helps a frail Matt out of the back seat of the car, one arm putting a blanket around his shoulders. Sara helps Amy out, trying to not put her in anymore pain than she is already in.

"I don't know how to thank you." Sara says gratefully to Mr. Singh as they help the teens into the house. He leans into her, out of Matt and Amy's hearing.

"Really, don't worry. And remember, the house is just bricks and wood and plaster. That's all. Anything else is just imagination..." He said before helping them settle into the house and leaves.

A/N>>> Sorry the next one will be longer. I just wanted to get a little bit out so you can see how the writing style is going to be from now on. I'll update later this week or next Tuesday with my other one. Don't worry the next one is already typed and is longer :)

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