"The catch? Yes, well it does have a somewhat peculiar history..."

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*I do not own Haunting in Conneticut. It belongs to the people who lived through it and the people who wrote the movie. I only own Amy.*


"Nobody plans to have a child get cancer and get girl who has an illness nobody has even heard about." Sara says getting frustrated as Matt and wendy exhange embarrassed glances and step back, not wanting to hear them fight about Matt and Amy while Amy looks guilty as shse walks away.

"You know that’s not what I meant." Peter says to his wife as he pulls her into a hug, not noticing that the children heard their little argument.

~End Recap~

 "Look. You’re right. They've gotta come first. Let’s just do it." Peter says giving in. "Find a rental in Connecticut, near the Hospital. We’ll make it work."

"You mean it? What’ll you do? How will we afford it?" Sara says as she looks up at her husband with wide eyes.

"Come on weekends. Take a second mortgage on our second mortgage. Whatever it takes." He says as he pulls her in for a hug.

"We’re gonna make it through this, right?" She says as she whole-heartedly accepting his hug.

"Definitely." Peter says as he kisses the side of her head. His eyes, though, have none of the certainty of his words.


SUPER: St. Michael's Hospital. Goatswood, Connecticut.

June 20. 10:00 A.M.

Sara is in the hospital while Amy and Matt are getting work done on them, talking with the Oncologist, DR. Brooks.

"He’s doing great." Dr, Brooks says as he tried to start off with good news.

"He vomited twice more this morning. That’s doing great? What about Amy? She's still tired almost all the time even though she says she's alright. Also she's still throwing up." Sara says as she begins to get upset and frustrated

"That’s doing chemo. It’s his stomach cells dying. And being reborn. Right now, we’re waging war. Total war. Inside Matt’s body and the same goes for Amy. We don't know if the war could kill her, but we're going to try to keep her alive. And the battle is just beginning." Dr. Brooks tells Sara, not beating around the bush.

"That’s what I’m afraid of." Sara says as tears for both comes to her eyes.

(Italizied parts are what Amy and Matt are going through at the same time)

Sara’s hand circling house-to-rent wants ads. Some say “no kids or no pets” then crossing them out. Seeing a few of the available places through her eyes: they’re dumps. She gets on the phone with Peter.

"They’re all too small, too pricey or have roaches as big as rats." Sara says to Peter on the phone.

Matt strapped down on a tilted gurney beneath a forbidding piece of equipment covered with radioactive warning signs. While Amy is sitting in a hospital bed with needles and I.V's in her arm's.

"- But I’m not giving up." She says as she ends the conversation.

*Back in her car*

After more scratched off lists, Sara is near tears. She looks out the window and sees that she is passing the cemetery. She turns away and rams her foot down on the gas as if she could out run the grim reaper, or at least her tears.

Gloved hands place a fitted mask to hold Matt’s head in position. Metal rods and leather straps keep his body immobilized. With a mechanical WHIR the radiation commences. Amy squeezes her eyes shut and her whole body tenses as the pain hits.

Just past the edge of the cemetery, she does a double-take and slows down as she sees a man clumsily hammers a ‘FOR RENT’ sign into the ground.Sara pulls up and rolls down the window. Squinting into the setting sun she sees a squamous purple Victorian house.

"I don’t want to waste your time. What are you asking?" She calls out to the man from the window of her car. The man turns around to answer her.

"Hello. Welcome. I give you first month free if I don’t have to finish hammering this darn sign!" the realtor says with a smile.

"It just needs some love and care..." he starts off as he guides Sara past the time-faded wallpaper and chipped paint of a once elegant old interior. "...and a good family to bring it back to life."

"And you don’t mind children?" She questions as they walk in.

"Where would we be without them? On a cold empty rock." he says as suddenly a rumbling, groaning clanking sound comes throughout the house. "Old houses are like old stomachs. They make a lot of noise."

"It’s everything we need. And then some. It’s beautiful, spacious, affordable. I mean, it’s too good to be true. So what’s the catch?" Sara says as she turns to him.

"The catch? Yes, well it does have a somewhat peculiar history..." He says softly as he breaks the news.

*I'm going through and rewriting each part to this so its more story-like*

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