"I just couldn't take it."

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*I do not own Haunting in Connecticut. It belongs to the people who lived through it and the people who wrote the movie. I only own Amy.*


"I don't know how to thank you." Sara says gratefully to Mr. Singh as they help the teens into the house. He leans into her, out of Matt and Amy's hearing.

"Really, don't worry. And remember, the house is just bricks and wood and plaster. That's all. Anything else is just imagination..." He said before helping them settle into the house and leaves.

~End Recap~

*Later on. Still Third Person*

Three sleeping bags lie on the mattress beside the table. Matt, half asleep, watches TV. Amy stares at the ceiling. Behind them, Sara is talking on the phone in the kitchen.

"I made a decision. You weren't there." She pulls the phone into the next room so Matt and Amy can't hear. As Matt nods off, the reflection in the TV screen shows Matt and Amy in front of it... but also something else. Someone standing behind them.. Or is it just the flickering ghosts of bad TV reception? Amy turns her head and looks to see that it's empty.

"You didn't have to hear him groaning or her whimpering, Peter. I just couldn't take it." Sara says softly into the phone in the next room.

*Later that night*

Looking down on Sara and Matt. Each in their own sleeping bag, but lying close. Amy has already gotten up to use the bathroom but why isn't she back yet. The dark room seems filled with muffled voices. The walls seem to whisper like faint swarms of bees. As the sleeping mother and son sleeps, it seems as if something, or someone, is standing right over them.

Matt stirs and looks up uneasily at the spot where a second ago it seemed someone was standing observing them. Nothing there. Matt slips out of bed as quietly as he can and notices Amy's gone. He starts into the nearest bathroom, where Amy had thought about using before, but realizes the sound will wake Sara so he goes looking for another one upstairs.

Upstairs he finds a bathroom. He leans over to retch. Splashes cold water in his face then freezes. He looks towards the door, thinking that he heard something before shaking his head thinking it was Amy.

"Matthew..." says a muffled voice.

"Mom? Amy?" Matt says as he opens the door. No one's there. He heads back downstairs. Once he gets back into the parlor, he looks towards the mattress to she his mom still sound asleep. He's about to get back into his sleeping bag when he hears the voice again.

"Matthew..." It comes from behind him this time. He tries to follow the sound into the kitchen where he sees an open door leading down.

He steps into the darkened stairwell. Suddenly the silence is torn by a grinding sound from deep inside of the house. The clanging of the old elevator chains...

Stepping out of the darkness of the stairs, Matt sees Amy whispering, standing in front of what he thinks is a mirror. But then sees it is a half wood, half thick glass wall with a door. The mirror effect is because someone seems to be standing on the other side of the glass.

"Amy?" Matt says but she appears to not hear him. Just looking into the glass and standing there like she is in a trace and whispering to herself. He approaches closer to the door and cups his hands to try and see through the distorting glass. "Hello? Amy who's in there?" 

"Two dead boys got up to fight..." Amy whispers softly.

Seen through the distorting glass is a face. Impossible to say if it is just a distorted reflection of his own face in the thick glass or another face on the other side looking back at him - blackened and burnt and mouth open in a scream as a hand jerks the head away by the hair -

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