"Private toilet dates."

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*I do not own The Haunting in Connecticut or any of the true story. I only own my OC Amy.*


Stepping out of the darkness of the stairs, Matt sees Amy whispering, standing in front of what he thinks is a mirror. But then he sees it is a half wood, half thick glass wall with a door. The mirror effect is because someone seems to be standing on the other side of the glass.

"Amy?" Matt says but she appears to not hear him. Just looking into the glass and standing there like she is in a trance and whispering to herself. He approaches closer to the door and cups his hands to try and see through the distorting glass. "Hello? Amy who's in there?"

"Two dead boys got up to fight..." Amy whispers softly.

Seen through the distorting glass is a face. Impossible to say if it is just a distorted reflection of his own face in the thick glass or another face on the other side looking back at him - blackened and burnt and mouth open in a scream as a hand jerks the head away by the hair -

~End Recap~

Matt screams as he jerks awake, woozy, his face red and covered in sweat. "What? Wh-where?" he says as he looks around and sees Amy laying down on her side facing away from him. Sunlight pours in through the windows and a hand strokes his brow.

"Honey? You alright?" Sara asks her son as she wipes his forehead with her sleeve.

"Yeah. Just a dream. I guess." he says as he gets up and heads to the kitchen with his mom following in behind. Sara goes into the fridge and gets out a can of protein shake and hands it to Matt. Amy walks into the kitchen rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as Sara hands her a can as well.

"Pick of the house for any bedroom you two want: if you drink this. Deal?" she says raising her eyebrows at the two. Matt and Amy look at each other and smirk before trying their best to get some of the protein shake down.

Matt starts upstairs, checking out the rooms while Sara heads to the front parlor leaving Amy alone in the kitchen. Throwing away her can, Amy turns to head upstairs following Matt until something catches her eye. Walking towards the door, she opens it to see complete darkness and a set of stairs. Peering into the dark, Amy starts down the stairs.

*Upstairs on the second floor*

Matt steps into the first room. Faded Victorian wall paper covered with an intricate pattern of caged song birds. The feeling is utterly lonely, and a place out of time.

*Downstairs in the parlor*

Sara is dusting down the room and cabinets. She pulls at old built-in wooden cabinets beneath the windows. They're stuck shut from years of warping and dust. She pulls harder and the wooden door opens, revealing a cabinet filled with small frames stacked on their sides.

She pulls one out, then another. They're old framed photos from the teens or twenties by the dress of the people.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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