Chapter 5

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I groaned as I opened my eyes to be approached by five men. "So what do we do with her," the grey haired man said. "Kill her. Plain and simple she was born wrong and will keep killing packs till we're all dead," the green eyed man responded.

They had obviously not noticed I was awake. "Maybe we should let he stay here she could change there's something about her," the blond one stated. He had been looking young which explained why he was less muscular than the rest of the men.

My throat was burning, but I had refused to cough because I wanted to listen in on their conversation. I layed motionless and hadn't moved an inch to alarm them I am awake.

"We've had this case centuries ago we either kill her now or she will kill many more till her wolf is satisfied.

"Their a difference we can end the streak if she has a mate, we know well enough one of these are born every century so what hapepens? We can either find her mate and her wolf will calm down and she can be normal," a deep voice announced.

"You're talking idiotic there."

"We need to help her she wasn't born this way to be  monster she's almost like our Alpha," he stated.

The room erupted in growls from that comment.

Was now or never they were just going to wait till I woke up to interrogate me which I would happily kill them.

I opened my eyes once again to observe my surrounding. Stiches were obviously placed among my wound. These people were idiots to help me they'll regret it severely.

I felt my wolf suppressed not alive just tamed inside of me they had put wolf bane inside of my vains. My wolf can survive wolf bane, but it depends what dosage if you add a pint of wolf bane that would put her in trouble which I had tested which was unusual for a werewolf.

I didn't need my wolf much I had felt mostly numb at the moment and decided to start. I quickly gripped onto the side of the hospital bed and broke off the stick of metal as a weapon.

The room grew silent as my presence among them had been shown. As I got up I had noticed I didn't have on my black armor only a oddly green thin... dress?

I looked at what I was wearing confused why so much of my skin was showing and the breeze of the open window that had bars connected.

"Its a patient gown we needed you to wear it cause your suit was bloody wet," the blonde spoke.

I growled at how they had taken off my mask. "We wanted to ask you about your eye," the toned guy stated bitterly.

I growled lowly at him causing him to growl back with the disrespect. "Your Alpha shit doesn't work for me," I stated.

"Listen here your lucky your alive if it wasn't for this Alpha who wanted you alive for questioning."

"Well tell your Alpha he should have killed me because I will kill his loved ones including his mate if his weak self has one," I stated.

The door opened up to reveal a well defined male I was assuming to be the Alpha. My chest started to beat faster, maybe without my wolf I was a little weak.

He nodded at his men to leave the room which they did. I stared at him gripping onto my the metal almost bending it.

He stared at me after the door had closed. I tensed up as he went to lock the door.

"I want my armor back right now," I stated.

"Why should I so you can kill the new men I had trained," he stated.

"No, so I can kill you," I stated.

He had walked towards me stared into my eyes basically asking me to submit to him. I had forgot submission is the key for someone to enter a pack so why was he doing it to me.

"What the hell are you doing," I stated.

He looked slight confused then his jaws clenched with anger radiating off of his body.

"You are going to be the Luna of my pack so we can grow stronger and we can have a heir for the next generation," he stated.

"You must be a crappy mate if your hitting on me you pathetic Alpha. I'll enjoy killing her," I said smiling evilly.

"You're my mate sadly shadow," he said bitterly.

"So what are you going  to do rape me? well guess what if you do I'll just have to kill the baby every time and this pack will go down because you can't let another female hold your child it's impossible." I said with a grin.

"Wouldn't that be the best way to see you pack fall apart with a heir to take over so then it does down to you beta what if I kill him then what I'll just keep going till this pack doesn't exist anymore," I said factly.

He growled at he fact that I had threatened his pack. He stood up and grabbed my arm with a grip while I used the metal and banged it on his arm causing it to retreat. He grabbed the metal from my arm and snapped it in half tossing it to the ground.

I was picked up by my throat and thrown into the hallway. People in the hallway stared at me as I got up dusting my self off from the dirty floor.

"So why did you kill your family," I announced loud enough for him and the room to hear. It grew deadly quiet as I had learned it was a touchy subject never to be brought up.

A growl omited from the room as he strided out facing me.

"Maybe it was because they knew you would be a crappy Alpha? Or maybe it was because you could never own up to you position. Come on tell me did they fail on killing you." I stated my voice nice and broad.

He went too tackle my, but I glided out of the way in a 360 then pushed him so he stumbled, but didn't fall.

I chuckled "blinded by anger  what a true Alpha this pack has," I stated.

Some of the women gasped at what I had said. Always wondered what it would be like to kill the top notch Alpha.

His eyes glowed red then it flicked to blue the colors kept changing as he seemed to restrain himself.

I observed his posture and how his jawline had stubbles that I was guessing most women would enjoy.

He was glaring at something behind me as I turned I noticed it was his Beta who I decided to keep alive. He was shaking his head in disappointment  then he started walking towards him.

"Alpha your hurting yourself by doing this no amount regret can bring back a mate," he stated loud enough for mostly the Alpha to hear.

"Kiss her," he stated.

I growled lowly at what he had said and so did the Alpha. "If he touches me both of you are leaving here without balls," I snarled.

"I'll find a way for her to suffer whether it kills me or not," the Alpha stated and walked away.

"Good luck I'll kill you before you can even try," I bite back.

Question of the day

How Far East can you go till you go west?

If a slice of bread is square then why is sandwich meat round?

If a word is misspelled in the dictionary then how do we tell?

Short I know but Ive been busy

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