Chapter 12

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Nathanial POV

I frowned when I saw the girl on the bed.

"What happened to her," I asked confused.

"I marked her," he stated.

He had been completely ignoring her body form on the bed and was staring at her neck.

"She doesn't have a mark. That is something else," I said.  This might be a cover up for what really happened.

"You don't think I haven't noticed," he snapped, his eyes turning black.

"Well on the bright side her inner wolf might go away in a way, but her wolf is fighting off the mark as hard as she can," I told him the facts.

"Why," he asked.

"It's an evil wolf it will fight off anything," I said trying to calm him down.

"It's been two days why the hell hasn't she woken up yet," he growled slamming his fist into the wall.

"In the book it says it would take about four day for her wolf to be completely gone," I told him.

"Can't we speed the process up. Get the pack doctor," he snapped.

Obviously him not being able to talk to his mate and seeing her in this form has taken a toll on him. "The best you can do is stay near her. We have been through this three times today the doctor is just going to tell you the same thing," I told him.

He grunted and walked over to the side of her bed an sat down onto the chair. He reached his arm out and grabbed her hand from the side of the bed and started to play with her fingers.

"Did you ever find out her name," I asked curiously. He shook his head and brought it to the bed. "I forgot to ask I was going to ask after I marked her, but I didn't know she wouldn't be awake for me to ask."  he said frowning.

"I'll leave the room so you both can be in peace. Alpha I will be helping you file your paper work in your office so you won't get behind while you spend you days in the office," I said.

"Thank you," he murmered and look up to see me in the eyes. "Call me Kade from now on, I think Alpha is getting a little old don't you think," he said smiling at me generously. "Will do Kade," I said and left the room.

Alpha Kade Pov (why not)

It has been a few days since my mate has been in a mini coma

she was suppose to wake up today, but it is midday and I am starting to think she might be in a coma for another day.

sighing I gripped on her hand fiddlling with her fingers which seemed to make my body less tense

Her hand twitched in my hand which caused me to tense up as I directed my gaze to her eyes which fluttered open.

She groaned and brought her hand up to her face propping her body up from the bed.

"What the heck happened," she goaned.

"I marked you and you've been in a coma for four days," I said strictly.

She scowled at me immediantly. "Was this you plan the whole time to get me vunerable,"she snapped.

"No, but I will not regret marking you," I said staring her in the eyes.

"You should you have just made my life shit," she snapped at me.

"Can you see from my point of view-" she cut me off.

"I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my ass." she growled at me.

I grunted from her instant anger towards me .

"What's your name," I asked.

"None of your business," she gritted out to me.

I stared at her neck to see my mark finalizing on it. Her wolf was losing the battled the more she brought her anger out on me making her wolf tired.

Something stirred in my stomach leaving me unease.

I walked up to her looking her dead in the eye. Her body tensed up instantly.

"I'm going to kiss you," I said bringing my body over her resting my weight on my arms.

"Why," she barked out. Her breathe splashed against my face causing me to look at her lips.

"Because we both want that," I stated and instantly brought out lip together when we met half way.

Slowly yet passionately our lip attacked each other. I brought my hands roughly to her hip and pulled on it causing our body to be closer to each other.

A groan escaped her lip as she closed her eyes. "You are going to be the death of me," I mumbled into her ear slow pulling her shirt from her body.

A small chuckle escaped her lip, I brought my head up and looked at her in amazement. "I love your laugh," I admired.

I looked in her eyes and they were now a hazel green

They changed

There was a glint in her eyes, "Aubrey," she whispered.


"My name is Aubrey," she said and brought her lip to meet mine intently. I played with her name liking the way it sound,no, loving the way it sounded. " I love it," I said and brought my lips to her mark on her neck.

"Do you like my name," I asked. "Yea, I like saying it," she said.

"Good, because your going to be moaning my name tonight," I said with a smirk.

Her eyes were filled with amusement,"I don't know, depend if you're good enough," she mumbled.

I pulled her pants off and rested my hands on her stomach causing her to jerk her body from the intense pleasure.

"Some thing tells me that I'm going to be more than enough for you"


Riddles of this last chapter

A lift is on the ground floor. There are 4 people in the lift including me.
When the lift reaches 1st floor, 1 person gets out 3 people get in.
The lift goes up to the second floor, 2 people get out 6 people get in.
It then goes up to the next floor up, no-one gets out but 12 people get in. Halfway up to the next floor up the lift cable snaps, it crashes to the floor. Everyone dies in the lift. How did I survive?

A prisoner is in jail. There are two doors, one leads to freedom one leads to death. There is a guard at each door. One guard always tells the truth, the other always tells lies. The prisoner is allowed one question to either of the guards.
What is the question that will take him to freedom.?

A man is lying dead in a field. Next to him there is an unopened package. There is no other creature in the field. How did he die?

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