Chapter 6

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I thought about it and decided to add a pic of what this guy might look like. I tried to find a strict lookin lightskin  and I found this so enjoy😂👌🏽

I had fallen asleep from the constant interrogation after the argument.

The place wasn't so bad the beta was actually a cool guy he had shown me around the place, his name was Nate which was short for Nathaniel.

I started walking around the cage I was in, kicking a few pebbles along the ground. I felt like banging my head at this point from boredom not even a book to read at the moment.

Nate had walking in the specialized door to keep me in captivity even if I wanted to break the cage their was no point. Especially when I had been doing that for the pass hour or so. All the men did was replace it while knocking me out with some weird ass liquid.

He was I guess my care taker here. He dropped a box on the ground by the look of it, it was greasy and disgusting.

"What is it," I stated blankly. "Cheese pizza I didn't know what you wanted so I ordered plain for you," he stated.

I stared at the box not attempting to eat it. "Keep it I don't want whatever that is," I stated. he sighed and picked it up from the gorund.

"I just want a healthy luna, our pack needs you whether you realize that or not," he tried to explain.

"I never asked for this if you haven't realized," I snapped instantly.

"Nate what the hell are you doing in her cage she is dangerous you idiot," I heard the Alpha's voice yell.

"Better get back to your owner he wouldn't want his pet running off," I stated snarky. "If you try you can see my side of view of the situation," he whispered to me and ran off.

I slid along the ground and stared at the ceiling.

Nathaniels POV

"So we're just going to watch her every move for how long again," I question our Alpha.

"Somethings odd about her I wanna observe," he replied more interested in the tape recording than our conversation.

"Why won't she eat the pizza, further more why not even see whats inside," he questioned.

"I don't think she has ever had pizza before she seems like a person who will eat healthy and just repeat the same food everyday," I stated looking at him.

"She seems to have given up on trying to escape maybe she is developing a plan," he assumed. "Maybe she's tired of this crap were putting her through," I contradicted.

He turned his head to me and glared at my defense for her. "Go back in the room and ask her questions," he commanded me. "Haven't we already asked her enough I think it's pretty clear she won't answer us anything anymore. I think us three deserve a break," I stated.

I walked pass him and put my hand on his shoulder, "it's never too late to want her as a mate, after all no one have truly resisted their love of their life," I tried to convince. His eyes deepened and he growled at what I had said a few moments ago.

"If you want her to give you information your the only one who can get it. Lets be honest she's is your mate and she with soon feel the connection I hope," I said.

"She's not me mate nor the Luna of this pack she is just a breed to produce a heir for the pack so we will have a further generation of this pack."  he stated almost convincing me. To be honest I don't even know if they would truly act like mates considering they both do well in hiding their emotions to everyone.

"Try to connect to her wolf once her wolf is in check she should trust you and what you do with that will be all up to you," I advised him.

"I'll ban her," he stated glaring at the screen once again as he saw no movement occur. "Might as well kill her then that is basically what you would be doing, " I told him shocked at how bitter it sounded coming from my mouth at the moment.

He growled and turned around to slam me against the wall by my throat. My chest pounded against my chest like drums as my breathe quickened from my throat contracting in. His eyes were dark from his wolf I had most likely triggered. I gripped my hands on his arm trying to pull myself a little up to catch some air to breathe. The hair at the back of my hair prickling at the intensity of the moment.

He wouldn't kill me I was all he had left. His grip loosened around my neck as I collasped to the ground taking deep breathes in. "No wonder many guys get laid it relieves a lot of stress maybe you need that," I stated. Instantly regretting what I said his eyes returned back to normal as a almost unnoticeable smirk made it's way onto his face.

"You're right maybe I should," he said and exited the room.

Shadow's POV

It was obvious they had been watching me through that camera in the wall the top right corner. I wanted to die from the boredom I was given and displeasure of not one thing to do.

A pain shot through my left abdomen which I ignore with no problem. I was most likely just hungry and I was not going to eat food given by this idiotic people.

I saw the camera move to where I was in the cage and saw it zoom it. I brought my hand up and stuck my middle finger at the camera knowing full and well they would of saw. Slowly bring my hand to my side the pain seemed to intensity it must of been my heat coming.

I usually just relax in a bath of ice for the four days which heat takes place considered we get heat instead of regular women periods.

I sighed at the pain would be just like the first time which I hadn't know what had been going on with myself so I just stayed in pain for the few day it had happened till I was told how it would be eased.

I grunted as I wrapped my arm around my stomach and gripped onto the silver bars hoping it would ease the pain of the heat. I kept my blank face on incase anyone had walking in asking any questions.

It didn't feel like heat, then it clicked in my my heat was last month and heat occured every other month. I didn't understand what was happening could it be early, couldn't be.

It felt worse like being stabbed by a silver knife before I became what I was now.  I groaned and layed onto the ground holding my knee's to my chest.

The door to the cell opened revealing the Beta of the pack looking at me with sympathy on his face. I released my arms from around my legs and stared at him sucking up every last pain I felt holding it back just so I could release till after he leaves. "I'm so sorry," he muttered before leaving the cell with his head hanging low like he had just committed a crime unlike me who would hold my head up if I did so.

I can't handle this a voice spoke in my head. "Great now I'm going crazy," I mumbled as if I couldn't be anymore. I'm your wolf dumbass without me you aren't crap she said bitterly. "Well maybe if you actually talked instead of all of a sudden maybe, so shut up you lil rat," I snapped back.

I felt a sharp pain in my head and I fell to the ground grasping my head in my head applying pressure. My head felt like it was being chomped on my a rouge or something making me get dizzy. My wolf had disappeared from me leaving me alone with the pain as it only intensified.

I breathe in and out harshly as I looked at the ground feeling my head pound after pound like a gorilla beating it's chest. I  was in an awkward position with my head on the concrete and bring my legs of the ground to support my body in the air.

blood leaked from my lips as I bit into it from the moment. I couldn't handle the pain in my head only seeming as karma had finally caught up to me. I saw foot steps come near my face or maybe it was my imagination seeming as I had now had a 'wolf' inside my head.

Black clouds covered my face as I had passed out along the ground to my own peace.

Questions of the day

If the #2 pencil is number one then why is still #2?

Why is a carrot more orange than an orange?

What is the opposite of opposite?

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