Please Let me Out of Here!

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I'm am soooo srry I didn't update soon enough! I just had writers block the worst case ever and I have school too so plz for gives and I will try to update in the next few days pinkie promises

E.J's P.O.V

    I was in the basement sleeping on the couch until Hoodie came running down and  with a girl in his hand? "Hey Jack! Boss's orders. You need to check her and make sure she has no weapons. Once you're done come back up stairs and then give her back to me." Like that he went back up and left the girl on the table. Hey I guess I got something to do. I walk up to her and start to remove her hoodie and put in a shot on her upper fore arm to keep her resting. I give it about two to three minutes and decide to proceed and start checking her jacket first off is it a hoodie? I look in the front two pockets left has a pocket knife. Think you can stab one of us? The right had stone? What were you doing with these? I then go inside her bag. Clothes, clothes and a note book? It's labeled pictures. I look inside to find this girl's name is (Y/N) and she has a mother and father. The father doesn't look close to her at all. The mother on the other hand has some similarities. The note book has pictures where she is very young like from four to when she was new born. It keeps going but,her mother is no longer there. Must have died. There's one from today. It shows her leaving her house. Did (Y/N) runaway? That's enough distraction for now. I start to check herpants pockets and i find something..metal? It was a gold locket. I put it around her neck. That looks good. Okay I checked everything here what now?

Hoodie's P.O.V

I was sitting in the living room eating some of my favorite cheesecake. When E.J. came out of the basement with the girl. "You told me to bring her here and I checked everywhere. Now you're the babysitter." After that he went back down stairs. huh...Oh yea! " 'Kay thanks!" I get up and take her down. About twenty minutes later I put her in a cell. I lay her down on the bed and noticed something shiny on her. What is that? I look closer to see its a heart locket. Pretty and cute. I thought now I can go back to relaxing.

???'s P.O.V

I was wondering around the house looking for something to do 'cause staying in a room is boring. That's until I saw a door opened that was usually locked or I was told it was. Since I was bored it was time for an adventure! I walked down like a billions of stairs that was sooooo tiring. Finally it stopped and what I saw were...cells? I looked into every one of them that caught my interest. One of them even had some candy! Must have been L.J. Since I was getting bored again I decided to go back were I came from until I heard mumbling. I looked in the cell to find a prisoner! I gasped out loud ,but they didn't hear me. "Where is it?! Where am I should be the real question?!"
She started to mumble some curses under her breath and I giggled 'cause she reminded me of Jeff. The girl suddenly got startled and looked at me. She looked very terrified and it was starting to scary me. "W-Who are y-you?" She looked really scared so I decided to introduce myself. "Hi there! I'm Sally!" I came out from my spot. "I'm seven years old! How old are you and what's your name?" I was really curious and happy to make a new friend! "I-I am (Y/N) and I'm eleven years you know where I am?" She asked getting interest. "Well you're in my home and it's called the 'Slender mansion'!" "Wait the 'Slender Mansion'?!" (Y/N) sounded astonished so, that means it's her first time here!

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