He Is My Father! Pt. 2

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~~~ Hello there love this might be the finally part I promises okay! Cause I really want to make a new book about Creepypasta!~~~

- Reader's P.O.V -

I started asking questions about this girl. She just seemed so much fun! She told me that only I can see her and only me. She also told me her back story which was very dark. "I'm sorry to hear that"

It's fine in the end the mouthed fucker deserved it! We both laughed. We were both walking in the forest I was trying to escape from. As we kept walking we heard a crack. Jinx told me to hide in a bush and grab a sharp stick. Don't come out unless I say so... We were both there as I waited to come out. "She's not here Masky!" Looks like it's the people from before. "Where could she be then?! The boss said she would specifically be here!" I look out to see that it was only the two of them. The one from my weird ass dream and the other one I don't know. Though I need to figure out who is the one from my dream. Timothy was his name right?

(Y/N)! Are you listening? I snapped my head to see Jinx motioning her hand to go behind the tree. She must be right so I did as she said. "Okay what's the plan to get out of here?" What do you mean get out here we need to know who that Masky is. "Why though?" I can read your mind sweetie! "Oh ..." Okay so here's the plan to get him alone.

- Masky's P.O.V -

I walked around carefully not making a single sound. Crack! I threw the rock towards the direction and it turned out to be Toby who was now feeling the bump on his head. "Damn you throw really good" 

"Tch. Don't sneak up on me like that." He then just left back from the direction he came from.

Time Skip

- Toby's P.O.V -

How did this happen? Just before I was walking away from Masky and now I was pinned onto the floor ,but the strange this is no one was on top of me. I heard a chuckle. "Well won't you look at what we had here." I tried to look around but my head was being pushed by someone's foot. "Hmm I guess your the one who's captured now." "What do you mean?!" I shouted that loudly hoping Masky or Hoodie would hear me. "Ah don't bothered cause those two are far far away from here. I looked up only to be kicked and knocked out.

- Reader's P.O.V -

Heh okay one down one more to go. Exactly ok now let's go find that one in the orange hood. She pulled my hand almost dragging me down and went to a corner behind a tree. Jinx then started floating upwards to the top of the tree and pointed down. I look forward to see him and hide behind the tree. I'm going to jump down on him and then you kick him like the last one. Okay... She then jumps down with warning and he struggles to get up cause she has him pinned.

I walk forward and I actually let him see me. He looks me tilting his head. "(Mom's name)..." I stepped back a bit wondering how did he know my mother's name. "That can't be you though......you ran away from him...." I just stood there dumb founded not knowing what to do. "Unless" he gasped quietly "You're (Y/N)...aren't you?"

"H-How do you know my name..." This time I was really scared. (Y/N)! Come on we need to hurry up! Just kick him an-AGHHH!   Jinx fell off him and he got up. He came closer to me and I backed all the way up until I hit a tree. "What are you g-going to do me? Leave me alone!" I yelled that abit to loudly because, I heard running then. "What's going on here?" We both looked back to see it was the one...the one that's my father. "Masky...come here" This "Masky" came closer to me to the point that he was starring down at me. He then took off his mask and I saw his real face.

He had messy dark brown hair and his eyes were blue to green. They seemed a bit glossy to as if he were about cry. "Is is really you?" I just stayed there not knowing how to answered. "We'll is it? Answer me." I tilted my head slightly "I don't know what you mean..."

"Well of course you don't...you don't even know how I look like...." One tear went down his face as then another one came and more. He just stayed there looking at me mouth opened slightly. I felt myself at the edge of tears and said quietly "D-Dad..." He then engulfed me in a hug and cried into my shoulder. I hugged back tears streaming down my face. We both fell went down onto our knees still clinging onto each other. Right now the sun was probably coming up cause, I felt warmth on my face. "I thought I would never get to see the day where I would see you again." His grip on me tighten. All I could do was just cry into his shoulder.

- Time Skip -

- Author Chan's P.O.V -

(Y/N) soon began to drift asleep onto Masky. He noticed this and smiled softy as he put back on his mask and walked back to the mansion with Hoodie. "Do you think that's really her?" Hoodie looked at Masky. "I know it's her" Hoodie nodded and just kept walking. "What do you think the boss will say?"

"I really don't know....all I do know is that I will keep my daughter with me no matter what anymore."

OH MER GERD FINALLY FINISHED ITS LIKE 3:22 am rn it will probably be morin going once I wake up again lol also this is the final part to this book I will mark it complete and then there will be no more updates! Also I just want to say thank you guys so much for all the support on this book I'm sorry it took me a long long long long like REALLLLLLLLY long time to finish it any ways hope you enjoyed this crappy book trust me I know it is baiiii

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