But First...Play With Me?

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~Yes I Know I haven't update in a while but I will try to make this the longest chapter as can be! Promise~

Sally's P.O.V

"Yeah you don't know what the 'Slender Mansion' is?" I looked at her a bit weird 'cause if this (Y/N) is here wouldn't she know what this place is? "Yea I have heard of it....I just thought that the stories aren't true..." "Well you better believe them now!" I walked around to see if I could break one of the bars to set her free 'cause these are pretty rusty! "Hmm....!" I can't break them?

                      That's weird. I guess I have to get the keys than! "Is okay that you wait here? It looks like I can't break the bars." "Uh yeah I can wait here a little longer." I walk up the stairs to get the keys. But aren't the keys in E.J.'s room.....then it won't be a problem!

_Le Time Skip_

                             Where are those keys? I looked around everywhere for it! I even looked inside the dirty laundry...it was disgusting. Wait! Maybe there not here...but...where could they be then? Then it hit me as hard as a knife! E.J. probaly has them on him! Wait how will I get them then....I will just steal them! I get out of E.J.'s room and into the kitchen. Bingo! He here eating kidneys as usual. His jacket is jingling here and there. The keys have to be in there!

                              I start to sneak in through the other way then I just thought of something else I could do so I wouldn't get in trouble! I went up to BEN's room. I heard a come in. There he was laying on his bed playing games. He has no life. "Hey there buddy! Chum! Pal! Amigo!" I interrupted him and he gave a death glare. "What you want Sally?" "Oh little old me? Well I just need an itty bitty favor!"

                              "Okay what is it?"

                                "Can you...stealthebasementkeysfromE.J.forme? Please?" BEN looked at me like I had lost my mind. "Wait wait wait wait.....what's in it for me?" "I'll give you back your Xbox 1." "DEAL!" And like that he flashed out of his room within a blink. "Now I just need to wait." He came back once I sat down on his bed. "Here!" He tossed me the keys. "How did you get back so quickly?" "I just came up behind him and took it...he never end noticed a thing!"

                                   " 'Kay thanks!" Like that I ran out if the room. "HEY WHAT ABOUT MY XBOX?!" "Later!" I ran down the steps to end up seeing E.J. In front of me! "H-hey E.J.!" "Hey Sally....have you seen a pair of keys around here?" "No no I haven't may be you should ask BEN! He always knows where everything is!" I am so nervous right now. "Thanks for the idea." He then ran up the stairs. Whew!

                                    I ran down the stairs to get to (Y/N) quickly. I was about say I'm here until I saw....Hoodie at (Y/N)'s cell! "I won't ask you again! Who are you?" Hoodie was screaming at her. I never had seen him like this before. He is usually shy and nervous but this is a whole different side of him.

Hoodie's P.O.V

                                  I just got orders from the boss stating to question the girl down stairs. I went down stairs and started questing her, but she didn't answer. "I won't ask you again! Who are you?" I was starting to get pissed off at this girl. "Why sh-should I tell y-you! You're t-the ones wh-who put me in here!" Man she is one annoying little sh*t. "Tell me now...or else..." "OR ELSE WHAT YOU WILL TORRCH ME MORE?!" I looked completely surprised at her.

                                   Why is she screaming at me? "DONT YOU SEE I'M ALREADY MISERABLE WITH YOU TAKING ME HERE HUST LEAVE ME ALONE..j-just le-leave me alo-alone...*hic*...*sniffle*..." I started to walk away only to take one more look at her. I just need to know...

(Y/N)' P.O.V

When is that girl coming back? I'm tired of being a prisoner here. "Psst!....psst (Y/N)!" I look back to see Sally. "Oh hey..." At this point I just want to be alone. "I'm here to set you free!" I hear an unlocking sound. I look back to see she is right beside and gives...me a hug? "What are you doing?" I ask with a little smile on my face. "Isn't it obvious? I'm giving you a huggle to comfort you!" I began to cry more and then I sobbed. "Wh-what's wrong did I d-do something!" This is the first time I had someone other than my friend Kylie hug me...I just cant believe I just met her and she probably cares a lot for me! "No...it's *hic* nothing! Don't worry." I give her the biggest smile I had ever made in my life and I hug Sally back. Maybe this world can give me another chance.

~So...I hope you like this chapter! And who is this Kylie girl? You will find out in the other chapter darling! Baiiii~

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