He Is My Father!

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~~~Hai! How are you-*dodges knifez being thrown at me Oi!!! be careful where you thrown dem knifez and dis is also thelast chapte hope you enjoy! And holy shiz you guys are fabulous like seriously thanks you for  1.94k reads! It means so much to mean!~~~

Sally's P.O.V

"Shh! We need to be quiet while we get out of here." "Sorry!" I was guiding (Y/N) out of here while the others were in the kitchen. We were going to the front so we could get out faster. We were almost there until . . . the door creaked open. "(Y/N,  go in the closet!" I pushed her inside the closet and stood in front of it. "Masky! Jeff! Why back so early?" I was literally confused. "Oh hey Sally, turns out the only family that girl had was a father." Masky told me while taking off his jacket. "Yo! Where's everyone else?" I pointed at the door to the kitchen. "Why aren't you going?" "Not hungry." "Okay." Masky and Jeff left the room. Now I could take (Y/N) out of here!  I took her out from the closet and dragged her outside.

Slender's P.O.V

      Hmm I wonder where Sally is . . . "Masky have you seen Sally?" "She told me she wasn't hungry and I just left her in the living room." Something still didn't feel right. I teleported out of the kitchen into the cell where the girl was. . . . I then teleported back and grabbed Masky, Toby, and Hoodie with my tentacles. "Sally ran off with the girl go and get her." They all got up and ran out. Hopefully they catch her because, they are almost close to the edge.

-Time Skip-

Reader's P.O.V

"Sally we're almost there?" I kept running with her trying to catch up. Man this girl can run! "Yea we are almost there!" How can she tell if are near the exit 'cause I only see trees everywhere. "You know for someone I just met you're very nice to me and I thank you for that. Who would have known what would happen if you weren't there?" She looked back smiling at me. "Well what are friends for?" I gasp. Wait she's my friend? I smile at the thought.

"We're here!" We both stop. I see my house just ahead of me. "Thank you Sally. I really owe you one don't I?"

"Yes you do!" She looked at me with those big green orbs of hers. Beautiful. I began to walk off until she gave me a hug. "I'm gonna miss you (Y/N). Even though I met you like half an hour ago! You're were really nice." I hug her back trying to stop tears from falling my eyes. "Well you don't have to miss me 'cause we can always meet here and play together."

"Okay! Well see you tomorrow!" She ran back to the forest as I saw her disappear. I turn the other way going to my house. I unlock the door quietly trying not wake up Peter. I tip-toe trying my best not making a creak. I wonder if he is here? That's when I step in something sticky. "Ewww" I look down and the stickiness was ... Red? I then realize a strong odor of metal or something else. The red liquid came from Peter's room. I open the door to see the most horrific thing ever. I scream so loud it probably echoed out through the world.  There in the bed Peter and whoever that was next to him were dead, but for some reason instead of feeling bad I had this smile creep it's way to my face. (( Reader chan you okay? O.o))

  I began to giggle it then turn into a big laughter that was not mine.


"Why? Why do I feel so alive?!" Because you just turned insane now! "What? Who said that?" I looked around but no one was there. Oh right you can't see me. Well I'm there other half of you! The new insane side that you just got. "Oh! I get it so, now that I lost it you're with me now?"

Pretty much!


So? Who do you wanna kill first!

"Wait why would I want to kill?"

'Cause your crazy to the core now and it's kinda of natural to do it like that.

"Oh okay! So, how do you look like?"

Close your eyes I did what I was told. Now open I now see a girl.

Oh forgot to mention the name is Jinx!

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Oh forgot to mention the name is Jinx!

~~~ End of chapter part one! Again thank you for the 1.95k reads! BAIIIII ~~~

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